Friday, September 29, 2006
Fooood, foood and more food!
Happy birthday Por Por!! It was her birthday celebration and yeah, we had dinner at this place near chomp chomp on Sunday. We had famous chicken rice which was just, well, edible. No biggie....Anyway it was so good to meet up with pers since I haven't met her for ages!
On Monday, after work, I met up with the gals first before meeting the guys. In the first photo, Ken was helping himself to his second ramle burger. Yummm... while disatisfied Derong picks on his sandwich in the other photo.
Had this HUGE looking satay-like chicken steak...(which tasted like crap) I hadddd to throw it away after a while.
Guess I was contented with my coconut.
The guys had to settle for the turkish ice cream, much to the delight of those little amused ones around them.
Ahhhh...pasar malams just make you tempted to eat EVERY single thing. Dunno why I put this photo...well..just for all who are overseas, come back!! So you can eat local food!!!! heheh For more photos, click here.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Retail therapy really works, at least for us gals. HAHAHAHA.... i'm sooo damn thankful that my pay came in - it came at the right time.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thanks guys...(and gals if u're anal abt terms)
To allllllll the people who showered me love yesterday, really really really appreciate it. There are better things in life than to fret over stupid trivial matters. There are bigger things in life to worry about. In fact, there shouldn't be anything we should worry too much about! heheheh...
Thanks...thanks... thanks!!! Thank you..
firstly, karen (for political reasons I've to state her name first...because shee's my besssssstieee hur hur hur... but seriously speaking...i'll ALWAYS mention her because i love her!!!) for being so damn concerned yesterday! For understanding that I would tell you sooner or later and not probing. *muak muak muak***
rongyang.....for calling to check on me and for offering to meet me at ken's for my second round.....even bothered to call my are really a great friend i will NEVER wanna lose.....
alvin for rushin down in a cab....after rongyang called u...ANDDD for even msn-ing me and emailing me to check on me...i love u!!!!!!!!!!!
jon t and alvina for meeting me earlier during the evening yesterday and listen to me rant and make stupid silly comments. thanks for drinking with me lah..heheheheh, thanks for giving me advice...
gerri and juls.... for listening to me rant in the office....and offering to be kay por hehehehehhe
rencong for repeatedly messaging and calling me to see whether i was ok. really thanks sooo damn much. damn sweet lah!!! you're one of my beloved good friends whom i love!!! hehehee
joe...thanks for talkin to me on msn, even though u're not here...AND I MISS YOU LIKE CRAP, thanks..really for being the angel that i never had..hehe
anddd last but not least....kenneth. thanks so damn much for not asking for much, for just silently being there...
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Thanks Joe, lurrrrve ya!
I received a phonecall when I was out. I was actually really irritated because this person kept calling without talking. The last time she called, I almost yelled at her. Thankfully she mumbled (sigh, guess I can't complain). Anywayyyyy she said she had to drop off flowers at my place because no one was at home. I casually asked her who the sender was and she said "Angel".
Thanks Angel.
Pity I didn't manage to catch and see you off in the airport that day.
Pity the flowers are wilting (sigh, that's why I hate fresh flowers).
Pity I don't know how to dry them properly.
Eitherways, thanks for the flowers. I really appreciate the HUGE bouquet. I'll be looking forward for you to come back, return and drink with me (you promised!). Take care and I'll see you around!
renzi kissed and swore @
I dont mean to sound racist but another malay won, Singapore Idol that is. The results proved PA's theory wrong. He claimed that a chinese should win this time round, because it'd be politically correct. I guess this shows (crossing fingers now) that results aren't rigged. It's really none of my business. Apart from the fact that SI's full of crap (and TCS is ALWAYS riding the waves of whatever's popular), the market in Singapore's EXTREMELY SMALL. So what if you're an idol? Anyway I'm very sure Jonathan Leong (is that his name? I can't remember) will probably get a contract. So there we go.
Since Taufik's the face of 7/Eleven, I wonder what Hardy will be promoting? I know a friend would like him to promote Bak Kua...hahahaha...!
Okok..shall not throw or suggest anything...yawn....It's going to be the end of another day. Looooong day. Longer night ahead! hahaha before I go, I should cut and paste one recipe...I SHOULD TRY IT...but i need to find an oven...any takers? I need to borrow an oven!!!!!
6 ounces bittersweet chocolate (good quality)
2/3 cup unsalted butter
1/3 cup white sugar
6 egg yolks
3 egg whites
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
For coating moulds
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1)Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2)Butter six 6-ounce custard cups, souffle dishes or other moulds.
3)Mix the 2 Tbsp sugar and cocoa powder together and dust the inside of each mould. Set aside.
4)Melt chocolate and 2/3 cup butter together over low heat. Cool slightly.
5)Beat together 1/3 cup sugar and egg yolks with electric mixer or hand beater until thick and creamy (about 4 minutes).
6)Pour into chocolate mixture and beat together for about 4 minutes until smooth and creamy.
7)In a separate bowl, beat egg whites on medium to high speed until they form stiff peaks (about 3 minutes).
8)Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture along with flour.
9)Pour into moulds.
10)Bake for 7 minutes until edges are set, but centre is still jiggly.
11)Cool for 5 minutes and carefully remove to serving dishes.
12)Serve with whipped cream or good quality French Vanilla or Coffee ice cream.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, September 21, 2006
La4 Dan4 Gao1
Hahaha....stupid ST kept teasing me and calling me... hotcakes and ML actually translated it in chinese calling me LA DAN GAO...hahahha cute!
renzi kissed and swore @
Man! Check out this article. The things people do when they're drunk. Tsk...why are people sooo dumb!?
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Gym = No good
Hahahha...For some reason, half way through gym, I broke out in cold sweat. So I thought I'd better stop (I don't wanna die while exercising, that's like how loserrrrr). Anywayy... I heard this song before the actual gym class, I LOVE THIS SONGGGG. It's by the EVANESCENCE - it's called broken.
I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keepyour photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold youhigh and steal your pain
"CauseI'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't
feel right when you're gone away"
The worst is over now and we
can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my painaway
Theres's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
renzi kissed and swore @
TAMADE!!! WHY DOES ROBBIE HAVE TO CANCEL THE TOUR!?!?!?! I'M UPSET!!!!!!!!! NOooOOOooOOooOOOOOOOooooo. Well sistic is still hush about the whole thing so I'm not too sure whether they cancel, but I'm swearing in advance!!!! NOoOOOoOOO KNN!!!!
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, September 15, 2006
HAHAHAHA ST you're so funny!
One of my colleagues came across this website that allows you to "translate" a movie. Hahaha....He, the budding film-maker he is, made a leeeetle movie. CLICK ON LINK..heheh ENJOY, it's quite hilarious!
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Can't stand it!
no puedo estarlo parado... que cada uno guarda el dar me de desaprobaciones - emocionalmente o físicamente. Él marcas justas yo de infuriated.I de la sensación maldición tan sola... solamente en el mundo a veces. Oh well..guess que sucede a veces. Supongo
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 may not be THAT bad
An 8-year-old girl asks her father, "Daddy, what is sex?" The father is somewhat surprised that she would ask such a question. But, he reckons if she's old enough to ask the question, then surely she's old enough for a straight answer. So, the father proceeds to tell his young daughter all about the "birds and the bees."
After a brief explanation, the little girl appears wide-eyed in disbelief. "By the way, dear, why do you ask?" the father asks. The little girl replies, "Mommy told me to tell you that dinner would be ready in just a couple of secs."
renzi kissed and swore @
All words and no action makes you unreliable
Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning - Mr Franklin
renzi kissed and swore @
I'm writing to tell you that I've reached back home to Los Angeles safely. I didn't see you at the airport today, which worried me. I tried calling you, but I forgot I returned the cellphone with your number on it.
Well...after a gruelling Saturday morning, and a short drink with Joe the night before, I rushed to the Airport, hoping to catch Joe (send him off). As I was reaching the airport, I called him on his mobile only to find myself talking to his granny. When I did actually reach the airport, I took a chance and waited at the counters I thought I would catch him (I didn't know which flight he was on). I waited for about an hour or so, before MrE met me. I was almost going to cry when I met him. Sigh...oh well, guess it's because I knew I wouldn't be seeing him for at least 5 years. Hmm..You'll feel like shit when you send someone off physically (eg in the airport) but you'll feel worse when you actually anticipate seeing someone off, but you don't actually get to see him. This is what I'll probably remember of Joe, before he ever decides to come back, again.
I was sooo damn down, on Saturday, especially after the airport incident that I went ahead to physically drown myself with food....i had.... 1) pasta 2) sushi and sashimi 3) fried chicken (in popeye's..yummY) 4) stingray (revenging and in memory of steve irwin) 5) fried kway teow 6) popiah 7) crayfish.... I was soooo full that day that I wanted to puke, but i wasn't allowed to. Oh well... was my friday and saturday...sux.
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, September 10, 2006
It's bad enough to have kids in MY ROOM;
It's even worse to have screamy kids in my room;
It's worst to have screamy, hyperactive kids in my room.
Whoever said that having kids are a joy? Wanna take a look at the scene in my house at the moment? It's world war 3!!! I tricked them high pitched, boastful boys to get out of my room - for once, peace and quiet. But of course just outside my room, it's chaos. ULGH! Put kids together and you get mess! You get screams! You get...IRRITANTS! Ulghh!!!
God help me through my brother's birthday party. I don't want to create a din at my place now. I don't want to fuss over the sugar bits and sinful crumbs on my desk. I don't want to bitch about how impolite, rude and irritating they are. I certainly do not want to scream, like them, over the lack of asking to download shit in my computer.
IFFFFFFFF (and if being the operative word here) I ever do have kids, I'll kill my kids if they are ever this irritating!
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I wanna see you again, Joe Barrymore
Jus met Joe for lunch. He managed to squeeze me into his tight schedule. It was a brief but good lunch. Don't think I'll see him tomorrow even though he promised he'd try. Sigh...BOYS...oh well...but it'll be a bonus to have drinks w him tomorrow or something. If not, I'll hope i'll dream he comes back again.
Either ways, I love you JOE!!! You're one of my closer guy friends whom I adore and thanks for all the gifts you showered me. You made my day today =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Sweet messages
My phone is getting a little jammed because of limited space so guess I have to clear my messages. Hmmm...what better way of clearing my messages than storing it here. Come to think of it, also, hmmm haven't done that in a while - written any messages on pieces of paper...
Stupid girl. I miss you already. Was telling the boy abt it n then jus a little beet of tears welled up me eye. Have a save flight. Just walk away renee...
(Alv sent this to me on 19/11/04...Yesshhh I am sentimental. I keep messages from a lOOOONNnnGGG time ago. Anyway this was when I was about to fly back to SIngapore.)
Thought you were supposed to call me? Haha merry christmas.. pls meet up soon.
(one of Renren's typical macho messages. But yeah...written on 26/12/04)
Hey, I read yer blog jus last nite. The secret blog. Jus wanna say, i love you. N if u care abt wat i think, i think you're gorgeous inside out =)
Hey, thanks all, for making it to the party tonight... Hope you all had a great time, once again happy new year and God bless.
Well i dont know when im free to meet u but hey look on the bright side of life my dear girl maybe some day i'll jus show up at ur house.. depends on how u view it rite? well see ya then get some sleep in the day before meeting me i dont want to talk to a sleepy incoherent renee
wow miss sickallthetimeiwonderifshewilleverchangeherlifestyleandbelessstubborn, take care ok?
Hi girls, thanks for spending my last night of being 19 w me. really enjoyed being tog w you girls again. we must try to spend more time tog ya? =)
Hey hope you got home fine. Drink lots of water take tomato.. and have a good nights rest.. Sleep well see you soon... Sweet dreams.
Hey renee take care of yourself will be leaving today.. work smart happy chiense new year.. Have a wonderful time in Singapore
In the plane now. Gosh i'm starting to tear aain. Anyway miss you all lots. Can't wait to contact you all soon.
Hey girl... Thanks for organising this gatherin man.. It was great seeing all of them again Hehe.. Enjoy yourself in melbourne k! *hugs* =)
Hey girl.. I'll miss u loads when u leave Boo hoo hoo. Make sure u come back soon! Love u so much! Have a good night
Hey .. it's been great meeting u.. =) Lets do tis again b4 u leave ya?
Still rem the cd you made me last year or the year before? Listening to it now man..Thought i should jus let you know i really love it and appreciate that you did that. Thanks =)
Renee, listen 2 me.. forget abt it now n think abt partying tnite, k? If u really wanna worry abt it, then think abt it tmr or something.. ok?!
just to let u know, ur kor is still here for u. u can still find me anytime. little Renee is still very important
Boo! Hey girl, just saying hi! n hope tt work isnt tt bad. keep awake! =) Love you...
Nice meeting you! =) Can meet up sometiem la.. See you!
Hey girl! XXX here..didn't see u today, how are u? Wanted to ask u earlier abt your job, but just got your no fr how? Take care babe! =)
Silly gal have night sleep.
Really need to drink one ah.. u must xiao xin k..btw i didn't get to buy the brushes for u cos i cant find the shops anymore
Thanks for d lovely dinner my dears, hv a gud rest. Nitez =)
Hello renee, what you doing now? just a msg to let you know i'm thinking o you =)
Thanks for acc. me today have a good rest... XXXX
Wake up! Stop yawning ninja!
Heya Fenzo..thanks for having dinner with me. I'm sure everything will work out rite for u in e end. Just concentrate on kickin ass at work and all will fall into place. Seeya next week woman!
Renee Yang Shi Qi..u r definitely not fat!And I among many other guys find you attractive so u r in no way ugly. Life does a make us feel down at times when hardship comes our way but we gotta grit our teeth and get through it cos there is always gonna be a better tmr. U r a kickass friend and I'm honoured to have u as one. Smile k, cos u r an awesome person.
Hey Renee, i miss you! Haha take good care =) XXXXX
Hey babe..really sorry, but don't think i'll be able to call you tonight..quite a lot to do. Catch up with you soon k =) I miss you!!!
Babe how r things? Haven't seen you in a while. We place tennis every thurs. You wanna join us?
If u're one of these people (eg alvina, wee, izzy, jean, sherwin, cat, aik, ren, kee, alvin, ken, jon, cheng, christie, dom...) who have actually written any of these messages, thanks for being a friend. I may not have actually made time to see you all that often, know that I think of you and thank God for you =) Love you and *muaks N kisses*
Last notes: hahaha i'm incredibly amused. When i actually message people that I appreciate them and i love them, I get scared replies. What? Am I really that mean? That when I do send such messages, I'm either out of sorts (crazy) or hmmm I sound like suicidal.. hahahha....but thanks anyway aik ming, keith and alvin for calling me. I'm fine..., really... aiyoh!!!
renzi kissed and swore @
To all smokers - DO NOT READ THIS
Hahhaa..i'm trying out reverse psychology. Hmmm...anyway....
Check out this link. It's about the 'advantages' of smoking. Maybe I should post this up. *ponder*
renzi kissed and swore @
Thumbprints to buy food? improves our way of life eh? =) Check out this link! I feel that schools should have such a system EVEN FOR role-call (isit spelt like that?). That will...
1) save time for the teachers - that would mean...they can concentrate more on their students! *crosses fingers* well with the standard of teachers, i'm really crossing my fingers
2) prevent students from zao-ing school or asking their friends to lie for them. i don't advocate that. i mean if you wanna zao school, do it smartly, NOT make use of your friends.
3) mean, no more hassle of bringing money (to buy food) and students IDS....heaven...
Anyway I heard the video of Steve Irwin's grizzly death is on youtube. I wonder how true it is...i shall go check it out!!! =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Check out this link
Check out this person's blog. It's incredibly interesting and i really wonder whether she's hot (as she claims). She's intriging. However i really wonder why or how people can splash their extreme personal details on the web, especially when you know there are hundreds or even thousands of people reading. I mean for myself, my blog's just for fun - if you do realise, i only put photos and write about stupid things (besides i can't write for shit). So there you go.
Yawnn...just had a durian mooncake - it's really sweet and I'm sure when I burp later, it'll be pungent. I just hope I don't burp during my body combat class. And if it really does happen later, I shall make sure I'll look around and pretend like I'm really irritated and disgusted because of the smell. hur hur hur.
Now that sounds like a plan. =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Monkey see monkey do!
I wanna switch to livejournal too!!! I even registered quite some time back. However guess blogger's more user-friendly. I want this particular blogskin that I have at the moment, but I dunno how to switch it overrrr..nooooooooooooooo....i wanna change!! so i can actually lock my entries =)))
Anyone can help me out?? =ppp
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, September 04, 2006
Irwin dies...
May he rest in peace.
renzi kissed and swore @
quick! ask me for a 4 digit number!
i had a dream last thursday and i dreamt that joe barrymore came back to singapore. In the dream, one of my colleagues was trying to kill me. =p AND GUESS WHAT?? Joe called me last night and he's in Singapore! The more freaky thing is, he came back last thursday as well! How scary is that??!?!!? Anyway I should be going out with him quite a few times this week because this stupid boy will only be here till like the end of the week =( So much for bullshitting me and telling me that he came back to see me *PHHUUIIII*
( i wonder when my colleague will try to kill meeee) On Monday (if i'm not wrong) I went for my first dinner at Sakae with one of me eating buddies - mr elias. Had my usual favourites before heading somewhere else to do some more damage!
Second dinner was at this Ching-Chang place down in the foodcourt of parkway.... =)))
Tuesday, I went Thai. =)))
And i topped it up with nice mudcake... YumMMmmmm
Can't remember what else I did for the past few days. BUTTTT highlight of the week was definitely crabs with two of my uni buddies. =))) Here, you see I was getting really impatient. I can't sit still for nuts!!!
So we ordered rojak. It was quite good and it kinda filled me up before the main dish arrived (*#&*(#
While waiting for the main course...
Who can ever resist crabssss?? Anyway after that we jus chilled and had durians before watching DEVIL WEARS PRADA...go go go watch it! It's quite good =)
For more photos, click here.
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, September 01, 2006
dum dee dum...hehehehe
okok..that title wasn't supposed to be such. it was supposed to be some vulgarity but since i'm really happy with the good food and wine!!! hahahaha...we had really good service too, maybe because my MD knows the owner hehehe... SPEAKING OF SERVICE, this lucky forunate dude actually got a tip he never expected. Lucky bastard. Check out this link...sniffles the only tip i had was like a US$5 tip...bah....
renzi kissed and swore @
We will miss you, BB!
Yesterday we went out for drinks - not to celebrate, guess it was more for BB. We bade farewell to her with a round of drinks. we have all of us, the juniors (minus S)
The three Musketeers! HEHEHEE
babes drinking "orange juice" and "cranberry juice" *wink*
BB and I...we'll miss you sweetie!
hhahahaha.....quite a cute german dude i met yesterday heheheh SHHHHHHH geok pei if u're seeing this...I AM NOT A FRIGGIN SPG!!!
The youngest gal in the co....hehehe
For more photos, click here... *groan* feeling tired.... going to meet a client later..*yawnn***
renzi kissed and swore @
I love you dom!!!
heyo, have abit of time (finally! =p) to sit down and think about all the people i love =) sooooo how are you! =)
Awwww.....I received a (probable) generic message from dom and it really made my day. *hugz* Yo stupid boy, thanks for the message even though i think it's a mass message - it really made my day *grin*