Wednesday, August 31, 2005
when e wind blows...
mannn these few days, melbourne has been hit by REALLY strong winds. =ppp wassssuupppp anyway did this personality test. was supposed to do it for consumer behaviour *shrug* oh oh guess wat? i'm introverted!!!
I'm" a O10-C6-E31-A4-N80 Big Five!!
okay time to turn in...long day tomorrow. i need coffee to keep awake i tink sigh.
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
shove it up yours
(warning: this entry is a LEEEtle bit angsty. but please understand that... i was really damn tired from last night and i've a test in wat, 3 hours?)
whilst i was walkin to school, this person greeted me from behind saying "ay your butt damn big". in my head i was like EXCUSE ME....
firstly i didn't know that we were taught to be THAT polite when you meet someone u barely know. even though you could have meant it as a joke, man! it's still fucking rude to make such comments.
secondly do i know you that well?
and wat? am i supposed smile and say "why thank you for that flattering comment. i really appreciate that"? fuck you.
i don't really give a shit whether you've applied for ur PR, or whether u've done alright/well intellectually because if you don't even have the courtesy to respect people around you.
maybe you should firstly work on your EQ skills before wanting to stay in another country. for one, you could just keep queit. no one will think that u're dumb. and maybe if that doesn't work, i could shove some shit up your throat. how's tat sound? that would prob keep you quiet for just a bit.
you put us singaporeans to shame. man now i noe why so many people don't like u. oh well.
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, August 29, 2005
Decaffeinate Me
i'm a little high on caffeine at the moment. =P just a weeeeeee bit.
i met terrence in the mornin for brunch and i had two pots of peppermint tea in one seating. that's close to 5 standard cups of tea. right after printing my notes, i met susu, wendy, winson and kim peng for coffee at the strip cafe and had a cuppa latte. THEN i went into the lecture theatre with a bottle of green tea. hahahah tat's why i'm a little high (and by the time i was walkin home, my bladder was almost bursting)
anyyyway i've got a test due in less than 24 hours. Man. i need more caffeine for the night. i will prob meet grace to discuss different terms and concepts for the damn test. can't remember much of wat i wanted to say.
the sun's sooo good. the weather's been good of late and it's making me more cheery. =) this means i eat more as well.....sooooooo... think i'd better go running (because i have been gorging on...EVERYTHING). i hope i dun get a stitch while running because i still feel full/bloated (even though i'm feelin a leeeee-tle bit hungry) but before i go, i've to put up photos of one of the days when the faylows and i went to pig out in my most recent trip back to singapore. man in that one day, we ate sooo much that i gained 2kg there and then! let's see...i had my dinner before i went out for beef horfun, frog leg porridge, yummy kailan (3 in geylang first), 2 ice cream mud pies, chocolate fondue, 2 waffles (from this cafe located in the vicinity overrated chomp chomp) and prata in simpang. mini photos (i'd like to call them 'mitos'....hopefully it's not like some vulgarity in another language =p) taken in geylang
mitos taken from the oh-so-orgasmic place in the chomp chomp place (it's called ice-cubed i tink)
the guys devouring every drop of the dessert... hahha i miss the guys =)
more photos taken in week 3 of my recent trip back to spore
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, August 28, 2005
all in the name of procrastination
man i'm too lazy to start studyin again. shoot me but i tink i'm goin to do so badly for this test *shrug*
anyyywayy i realised i haven't put up some photos for my 3rd week of my most recent trip to my hometown (hometown. hahahaha i'm speaking like spore's such a big country HA!)
hahaha we were at brewerks and the four of us struggled to finish.....a pizza, a burger, fish and chips and THOSE idiotsssss (sze hao, jean and ken) left me to eat devil's wings by myself. sniffles. yeah...can't remember much of the rest of the day (obviously). only thing is...i enjoyed some of the beer there. i wanna go backto brewerks at the end of the year (or when i come back *grin*) dum dee dum... cheers to a life without burnt fingers!
renzi kissed and swore @
chronicles of a survivor
sighhh... u'll never believe it, i still can't believe it. arghhhhhh
i wanted to bake savoury muffins for lunch next week, so i actually printed a recipe and bought the necessary ingredients. to cut the story short, i put the mixture into a bakin tray that was lined with a baking sheet and shoved it into the oven.
after eating my lunch, i decided to check on my muffin. i lifted the tray and i saw a flame. mann at that instant i actually stoned for a bit, and wondered to myself how i should react. the stupid baking sheet caught fire and the fuckin fire started getting bigger. i panicked but thank God i found a cloth nearby, i picked up the stupid tray and threw it into the sink.
=(( im still traumatised burnt finger! my poor muffins! well from the sink, i managed to salvage some part of the mixture. i'm going to eat it today. not really having a good day. maybe i'll start wheezin when i run today. maybe... bah!
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, August 25, 2005
definition of ah lian
hmm jus the other day i commented that someone looked like an ah lian, and rodney so happened to be there. he was curious and asked what ah lian meant. and i was stumped. i mean we always use the words "ah beng" and "ah lian" and we have no idea what it means. hmmm i finally got a 'proper' definition (courtesy of trs) in the talkin cock dictionary. i quote
A pet-name which literally means, "lotus flower". The female equivalent of an Ah Beng - an unsophisticated Chinese girl. Stereotypically dresses in neon colours, wears a huge ribbon perched on the top of her head, and carries a tiny basket.
renzi kissed and swore @
running's the name and inhaling's the game
man today's such a good weather. it's goin to be spring soon and i just can't wait. however the change of seasons indicates that time is indeed passing by, quite quickly i might add. i really need to think about where i wanna stay and what i want to do. i'm enjoying myself thoroughly this year. adequate space for myself, and well (hopefully) quality time spent with a couple of peeps.
hmmm decisions decisions. i'm no longer a child. argh! that's so dauntin, even typin it out sent shivers down my spine. it's time to grow up and...start workin *gulp* we'll see. after this next test, i'll set aside some time to think about it, maybe even pray about it. (mental note to self: talk to mum abt it)
speaking of the good weather, i finally hurled myself out to run. i ran only 6 rounds but i thought it was enough for today, since i wasn't feeling too good the past few days. i've been having difficulty breathing (finally used my inhaler). hmm so i'm glad i came back in one piece. hahaha!
nothing much else to update. i wanna run tomorrow again. anddd i'm goin to koko black with my housemates tomorrow! whoo! i'd better get back to studying (for behavioural studies). i won't have time tonight since i'm going out with gabs today. =)
dum dee dum. today's a great day. i'm glad i did my laundry too...wheee!
renzi kissed and swore @
an afterthought
come to think of it, i realised i did something after mmn- EAT. (i jus realised that after stuffin myself with grilled sambal chicken with mashed potatoes for dinner at terrence's with winson, kee, viv, grace and ryan, today...well last night)
i went for this massive eating spree with a couple of the peeps.
kee, winson, cheng, viv, ter and i had brunch at new royal garden. we had quite a bit to eat. we ate the usual jazz and i met lily again *blush* as much as it may turn out wrong, i tink she's a very very sweet girl =)
right after that, i suggested goin down to lygon for gelati. everyone except cheng obliged, so we dropped her off and drove down to the city. we happened to pass by ikea along the way soooo....we made a trip to ikea and satisfied, well I satisfied my cravings for the swedish meatballs. (for some reason it didn't taste as good as spore's) YES i was bored so i amused myself, and presumably the rest of the carload with my silly antics
and u can see, the three of them were struggling to push me around. i'm no pushover!
we finally reached koko black where I had my usual yummy rich hot chocolate... the company was fantasic. i couldn't ask for more. as much as i resent saying this, i will miss these peeps when i leave for good. sniffles
yeah...and we ended off with dinner at grand tofu (in the glen). was full-filling to hurl our arses to the different locations to eat and stuff our faces. i'll prob be bringing susu to koko black either this friday or saturday. anyone interested? =)
(for more photos, click here)
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
restless in seascape
i'm gonna change the skin of my blog soon.
too lazy to write much. other than mmn, there's nothing much else to update.
was jus reading this ac dude's blog and i jus wanna say i'm missing AC so much. even though i've only been in there for less than 2 years, the friendships that came out of it, the experiences that i've gotten, well i doubt i can replace it anywhere else. =)
well time to turn in and have an early night (yeah since it's only like 1am?? hahah) i've a test that i'm so going to do badly. oh well. screw tests and exams. i'm graduating at the end of the year!
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, August 22, 2005
the day when she attended MMN
well I think the helping out did pay off. The chairs look fantastic and well the decoration (to me) was beautiful. Before we opened up the ballroom for entry I took a photo, and I felt I was transported to another dimension =)
hahaha the apparent chickies. My housemates and Wendy. I thought the gals looked gorgeous!!!
terrence and I. my ah mad for the night hehe… anyway notice my right arm. It was not pinched yet. =p
hahaha viv and myself. I chose the shirt! It is like how nice. I thought he looked really good that night and he carried off the pink =) (mannnn I have to give myself that much credit ok!)
allan and me. The jolly man. Hahahha….
danny and i. he gave me a rose. Awww well he gave all the housemates a rose each (and I must mention he gave his gf like a HUGE buncha flowers. I is jealoussss) sigh. So many girls got bunches of flowers. Where’s kennnnnnnn???
I thought kareen looked good in the sari. I want a sari tooo!!!!
the AC boys and kee =) I must mention that rongyao was wearing some Chinese outfit. When I first saw him I was like, heyyy my partner! Hahaha oh another mention, kee’s date was linggg!! =)))
the remaining execs (minus giap who conveniently went for this bowling competition oh well his loss!)
may and i. hahaha I have to thank may for everything man. She helped us out SOOO much. =) mannn check out my bruise I painfully got. Some idiot pinched me =(((
we are the PIDs….pretty-in-dresses =) hahaha grace, wani and myself blowing kisses to our fans
wensheng, the only guy in the mmn committee. Very sweet boy! =)
CHAO xtra but do I look like I care?
slai2 and I hahahahah I look drunk but I was not. Mannn even the people from other unis could recognise me from last year (prob as the drunkard)
terrence, my rose and i. wheee thanks trs! Anyway we were at next blue already. Dancing our hearts out.
fon and I hahahaha…. She looked good, as usual!
the guys who rocked the house!
Hahaha I think I will stop with my boring commentary. I think I will stop now. For more…..
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, August 21, 2005
the day when she changed her links to her photos
big OOOPS...didn't noe wat happened. anyway for the sake of charms...and some others who are as kay-por as me, click on the photos to the links. if there's any prob again...let me know =) outing with joel, sze hao, and xi
terrence's housewarming, FINALLY
multicultural week...aka mcf
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, August 20, 2005
the day when she was so tired from the night before Hahaha... yes i HAD to do the only-girl-in-the-picture-and-it-feels-good shot with some of them. hahaha those idiots were muckin around but i thought it was a cute photo! (thanks winson for supporting me hahahah) anyway mmn was, or well in my opinion, a success. coming in early to help the company pull chair covers, tie up balloons paid off. =) a pity i couldn't really enjoy myself, and take loaaaaads of photos because i was busy running around. =p my feet hurt from prancing around in my heels though. hahaha.... and my make-up looked a leeeee-tle bit funny. hahah was waiting for daryl to come perform a miracle for me but she was late. hahhaa so well desperation drives a person. =) yeap...i'll put up more photos later. =) time to go YUM CHA-ing!!! dum dee dum.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, August 18, 2005
the day when she shared more photos!
HAHAHAHA...this was a funny moment! It was that fateful night when we had to attend ter's housewarming party. As dodgy as it may sound, he led me to the toilet (WHOOO) and showed me the display of drinks which was covered with water and ice (or ice water, watever).
So well i started rummaging through that cold tub to get myself my favourite beer.
If you can't see the brand it's your loss! hahahah more for me to drink that is. HAHAHAHA oh drinking till MMN! =p then again i broke my detox a loooong time ago, AGAIN. sighhhh
*shrug* wat can i say....hahah i guess all i can say is that "check out the rest of the photos here!!!"
argh!!! i need to rush to uni now.!!!
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
the day when she winged
i want a custom-made bra!!! hmmm yeah...tat's about it for now santa! =)
damn it! all my bras feel so uncomfortable. sigh this happens when ur boob size is bordering two bra sizes. argh! jus make them wait bigger!!! =(((
oh and on a happier note, i wonder whether they have such a invention (or watever u call it) like a disposable bra. hmmm i mean if there's such a thing called the disposable underwear, why can't we have disposable bras? =) i mean the only downside for disposable bras is probably....... well it's vulnerability to water. oh well... i can't wait for terrence to pick us up for dinner. sigh i dun tink i can eat much though. the stupid orthodontist lovingly tightened my braces today. OUCH!
time to finish up my research and wait gingerly for terrence.
i'm ghost!
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, August 15, 2005
the day when she shared mcf photos
Yesterday i found myself in terrence's room HAHAHAH nahhh well a couple of us stayed over at terrence's place because we had a PARTTTIEEEEE the night before (saturday). well after being the Chaperone for a while, i found myself inching to terrence's room. i tink i dozed off before the rest filtered outta the house. =p i'll put up the photos of that night soon.
wat was i goin to say? oh yeah. oops... yesterday (sunday), i went for lunch with ter, viv, kee and winson at sophia's. tink we ordered too much for the 5 of us. =p BUTTT i must and i have to mention that there was this SUPER CUTEEEEEEEE waiter there. (reminder to all: let's go to sophia's again! HAHA)
after that, terrence and myself zoomed off to check out where park hyatt was. we happened to pass by this catholic church. he wanted to drop by so we braved the strong winds to find ourselves in the cosy church. =) i love churches for some reason, especially the old ones. somehow i feel some sense of peace everytime i step into a church. ANYYWAY we dropped by brunetti before heading back to clayton. =) this first picture was taken on the day when i met up the church peeps (u can see them vaguely in the background) hahaha we shared this cake wrapped in dark chocolate (supposedly). cool presentation i thought but the cake was too light for my liking.
yeap...time to go offline. or well talk to ken boy for a while before i prepare for war tomorrow! =) i've pretty much completed wat i was supposed to do today so yeah. another day of slogging hard and er...eating veges!
it's photo time!!! click here to assess mcf photos (i didn't take much though). more to come...akan datang