Sunday, July 31, 2005
the day when she was flushed
jus a note...i didn't do anything silly, i jus ate too much chilli. i went for supper with terr, viv, and kee. =) hahaha and yayyyyyyyy!! i'm finally done with work. i'm officially no longer an employee of that wretched place. this means i am no longer subject to psm-ing mood swings from my employer and i'm in charge of my own time. whee
tomorrow's the day, the day when i start my detox (thanks joe!). i'm kinda worried for the two gals (and in some ways regretful to have told them about the detox thing) because i dun want them to think that it's some fast fix to lose weight. losing weight is NOT about dieting, and neither is it about quick fixes, it's about exercising and eating right. if anything at all, diets are jus stepping stones and somewhat a motivator for one to eat right and EXERCISE (i can't stress that enough)
with that said (and with whatever warnings and naggings that i could chide at my housemates with), im starting on it tomorrow. I need to cleanse my system. even though i'm cringing at the thought about colon cleansing and being violated by the doc, i'm tinking about cleansing my system. i'll prob talk to my doc soon.
okay.time to bathe, time to finish up my minutes and time to hit the sack!
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, July 30, 2005
the day when she ate a lot
been eating alot since i came back. as usual... =) i'm quite glad i've been exercising though. ANDDDDD amazingly enough i actually went for ana's body combat (i tink) class. watever it is, the chilli padi really worked me out, b-a-d. i need to get into shape. i was like huffing and puffing after the second track! and i really tink i can't coordinate my body properly. sniffles. i'm a boyyy... (oh yeah it kinda reminded of the times when i used to go for classes almost EVERYDAY with the two gals. charms looked so determined in the classes, it kinda scared me. and sze min used to bounce so much, i felt like old next to her because i wasn't as 'active')
hahaha as i was saying...yesterday (all my troubles seem so far away) i had a sushi roll before indulging in my 'light' snack in springvale with viv and ter. they did some grocery shopping while i, as usual, was a menace to the surrounding people.
i came home to do work before going out with cheng to the milkbar. kinda reminded me of last year when i used to go to the milkbar with jon during winter. ANYYWAY right after tat i went grocery shopping with terrrence at burwood (because terrence wanted to like borrow some DVDs at burwood anyway).
had a burger and fries at maccas and chatted with ter until he noticed i was quite sleepy. yeah...hahahahhaha and before turning into seascape i was excitedly telling ter about the chicken (not too sure whether it was thee same one) which crossed the road a few days ago when rongyao was sending me home. he didn't seem too amused when i cheekily asked him "why did the chicken cross the road", but he did mention that goh chok tong would prob call these chicken quiters. HAHAHAH...sheesh...
mannn....i'm easily amused sometimes =ppp
oh yeah...anyway had a great time chatting with my aunt today. finally someone of my mum's level and blood relation is going to talk to her. finally someone can maybe knock some sense into her. i'm tired of getting comments n shit from everyone about that matter.
jus leaveeeeeee meee alonneee....plsss!! pretty please with a cherry on top!
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, July 28, 2005
the day when she was distressed
argh...was lookin through some photos that ken sent to me and arggh! i look wierd! it's official.
I C-A-N-'T P-U-T O-N M-A-K-E-U-P
sniff i'm doomed, i'm ruined. i need a course, maybe a crash course to like seal my zits, make my face less oily, make my mouth smaller, make my nose slimmer, make my eyes bigger...
hell! i need plastic surgery...would any kind soul be able to contribute to the help-renee-find-a-better-face programme?
damn! i sound as bimbotic as....i shall not name names...damn!
renzi kissed and swore @
the day when she became judgemental
every person tends to be judgemental at times...guess i'll be one for now...
if a person can't even handle his/her dishes and leaves it in the sink to rot for a few days, what makes him/her so sure that person can handle a whole organisation?
why in the world would one want to fall sick, or wish to fall sick when there are sick people out there trying to cure themselves of diseases/illnesses??
what in the world are those people thinking about when they kill themselves? true that they belong to themselves n for some warped reason they do have to right to do watever they want to themselves, but wat about the people they leave behind? isn't that too rash? it's not for you to decide when you want to die. there are so many people i noe out there who are fighting for their lives as i speak.
what's with people who sexually/emotionally abuse their kids? that's one of the sickest things/acts i detest and HATE. go screw yourselves. why take ur kids with you and scar them for potentially the rest of their lives??
why do people like christians get shit from the other religions? because they're supposed to be 'holier than holy'?? sheesh. wat about buddhists who eat beef? what about them who are supposed to do "good deeds"?? what about the other religions?? why so much scrutiny?
some gals are thin and yet...they think that they're fat. if they diet any longer, they'll disappear. so why do they keep complaining? i tink i would like to attribute to them being insecure. that's it! insecurity brews so many other things.
there's so much screwed up people (and i'm one of them), so much yuckiness in this world. my gosh i'm appalled but well...i've prob something to look forward to at the end of the day. =) i'm so glad...i'll prob spread the word! haha
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
the day when she had difficulties
hmmm bahhh something's wrong with me today. hahah
today during one of my mkc lectures, i kept sneezing continuously in the lecture hall that i probably disrupted the class because the lecturer actually stopped talking, looked at me and said "bless you". the same bloody thing happened to me in my first mkc lecture. how embarrassing.
during the mmn meeting, when grace was trying to get her pt across, i kept sneezing, preventing her from talking, quite a few times. hahha it was actually quite hilarious but mann...i need to get my nose treated. =p
i also had difficulty in taking out my contact lense from one eye. i stood in front of the mirror for 10 minutes and finally gave up. i clipped my nails, before attempting to take out the slimy shit from my left eye. moral of the story: never try taking out ur contacts when u have long nails. it'll be painful and ur eyes will turn red =(
ANYYWAYYY during my lecture, we were shown this ad that's going to be released soon. check out the ad for Carlton Draught. it is actually a viral ad campaign. Very interesting, funny and it sticks to ur head right after the ad. Quite effective i must say.
it's a big ad, it's a big ad, ....very expensive ad...this ad better sell some bloody beer!
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
the day when she snapped at a tutor
hmm i've been back for two days and i still feel tired. it must be the whole weekend and the series of events that stringed along with it.
well i didn't feel much when i came back. in fact i was kinda looking fwd to studying and getting stressed over the silliest matters like assignments and readings. life is jus too simple. =) anyway i managed to go for my lessons so far and sigh...i think i made a very bad impression today.
i was a little bit late for tut today because i was waiting for david to buy his coffee and breakfast. before i went in i knocked (because it was only polite) and waltzed into the classroom, with dav behind me. at that point of time, the tutor so happened to mention that it was polite to knock on the door when we come in, and for some wierd reason, i turned to him and instinctively and prob rashly blurted out "but i did" and his immediate reply was "i wasn't referring to you" much for good first impressions. argh!!! oh well...tomorrow will be a better day! i've managed to squeeze my subjects to get me a nice 3 day week. i've a hell lot of lessons tomorrow but i will bite my tongue and tink before i speak! yeah i'll do tat!
stupid renee. stupid tongue. stupid mouth.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, July 21, 2005
the TUESday when she went for a funeral
my ren love..hahahha =) met that idiot FINALLY after a few years and well we had lunch at marina's food court. setting was...erm..crowded but i still enjoyed myself nonetheless. hahha he shared a beeet of hot gossip while i just listened intentively. i'll prob see him another time before i leave (because he's my bro's tuition teacher! HAHAHAH)
i then went to meet izzy. but hmm it wasn't much of any session because he was busy buying an air ticket to HK. he had to fly there ASAP because of some personal matters, sooo..i just accompanied him to settle administratiion. oh well. at least i got to see him.
I dropped off at his place and waited for the guys. while waiting for them i walked into this pet shop along the MS stretch and sniffles this dog jus made my heart melt...i love white fluffy small dogs!!!! after buyin my text books in clementi with joe and ken, i met 3 guys from 4a (my sec school). hahah for some reason kangwei msn-ed me and asked to meet up so i spontaneously told him tat we should meet on that day. hahaha so wierd to see a guy whom i've liked for a good wat 3 years (in sec school). but oh well... =) he's just afriend now..hahha still as silly and goofy as ever *grin*
kangwei and myself
the guys started swapping seats to take photos. =) tat's huanjie, top student for SRJC =)
Hahaha ChengCai looked like he became broader =) Knew this dude since Sec1.
Hmmm then i met joe, ken and derong. We went for Carol's Dad funeral.
Condolences to the Seah Family.
renzi kissed and swore @
the MONday when she met up with a friend
i haven't seen ryan ong in AGES. i tink the last time i could remember seeing and talking to him properly was wat, 2-3 years ago? anyway he's still the same. i remember him to be the jovial, cool and caring friend while he remembers me as the photo whore. oh well.
i can't really recall what else happened tat day. i tink i met ken for a while before we lazed at his place. we went for dinner and 2 suppers that day. =p
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
the SUNday when she had horrifying conversations
i had a conversation with my grandaunt (the one who taught my brother the ba ba black sheep song) when i was going out to run-
Renee: Could u help me open the door?
Grandaunt: Har? Open the door? Where you going?
R: I'm going to run
G: You going out with the car?
R: Huh? I'm going out to run..
G: Ya lah you taking the car with you?
R: NOOO...i'm going out to run...
G: OHHH i thought you said you goin to fu-lan*
R: .....
*translation: i thought you were going to funan. this was taken in andrew's convertible.... heheh and i looked really happy
catching up with janelle and jon in simpang after they dropped by my place to collect stuff
sigh..this is my family...i shall emit some other details..can't really remember much. all i could remember was during the day, after church, we went to this place to have dessert. it was horrible. i mean not horrible horrible per se but it was just disappointing. think we've been haging out too much at ice(cube) in chomp chomp.
after dinner at home, i went out with janelle and jon. after watching them eat, i joined joe, ken and sze hao for a car ride in andrew's convertible again. i thoroughly enjoyed the ride because of jus the cool breeze carrassing my face. i kinda woke me up to stay up. we ended up at this teochew porrdige place in kallang. we only had dessert though. hahhaa
for more photos, click here
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, July 17, 2005
the FRIday when she finally gotta meet her other part-time bf
HAHAHAHA yeap...after going for a lousy food fair at novena (sigh i got cheated by an ad over the bloody radio..sigh i'm such a sucker), i left ken to have a hair cut at the arcade.. wheee =) my head feels lighter now.
anyway i met aik ming and we had another round of a great chat. everytime i meet meng, i feel damn happy. he's like close to a kin to me. even though i dun really like his gf, i dun really care.. =) hahahha (then again i dun relaly like most of my close guy friends' gfs...maybe with renren's exception. i think his gf is damn cute)
yeap...we had a great catch-up session, complaining about our other halves and updating each other on the latest happenings =) dum dee dum.
finally i met ken, and jean and dr joined us for a subway supper at orchard cineleisure. meng HAD to muck around with my camera.
we sat ourselves outside coffeebean, next to this maccas stall.
renzi kissed and swore @
the SATURday when she didn't bring her camera
sigh of all days..well jus to cut the story short, i had dinner with mr elias, derong and sze hao at that bedok north place.
we pigged out on...
- fried kuay tiao
- fried carrot cake
- fried or lua (as usual i picked on the eggs only)
- chicken wings
- popiah
- deep fried sweet potato
- tang yuan
- bak chor mee (i didn't eat that because i didn't really fancy BCM)
- stingray (WHICH SUCKED)
can't remember much else... yeap...that's why i regretted not bringing my camera. sigh... oh well...
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, July 16, 2005
the THURSday when she satisfied another craving
i lazed around ken's place for the whole day before we hurled our arses to a seafood place (i think it's long beach) in ecp where we indulged in.............need i say more? =) it wasn't as good as the other one which we tried but hey..better than nothing i suppose.
renzi kissed and swore @
the WEDNESday when she had to drag herself to the airport
hmm i was supposed to run but i felt sick in the morning.
ANYWAY i went to meet alvin (one of my favourite kors in secondary school) in the airport. i managed to arrange to meet him. =) well it was a good time catching up with him and i was horrified when he told me something. hahaha when we first found out about our chinese O level results, my chinese teacher actually taunted alvin and max (the guys who weren't too proficient in chinese) saying that if i could do it, they could do it as well (*#$&(&$@ basket. and alvin HAD to remind that i was the worst gal in the class for chinese =p hahahaha he calls me a kan tang... i dun tink i am. i mean i still can converse in chinese!!! =( oh welll.... my korrrrrrrrr =) yeah...according to gao, one of my million and one kors...but those were the days *grin*
well after meeting up with alvin, i had to send jingxi off. i hate occasions like these because it's jus heartwrenching to see ppl close to me cry. ANNNYYWAYY i will see that gal in melbourne =) another spice gals shot. we'll prob take another one when we all come back from melbourne.
i had to meet ahem *drum roll* the girth gals right after the airport episode. it was jus a nice catch-up session with my gals, oaks and alvina. brought me back to the good ol' (yeah makes me sound so old even though it was just last year) days of chatting about boys, life and complicated philosophies HA! alvina still looks good =) i miss going to her room to listen to her whine, and vice versa.
blame it on the camera but we both looked slightly wierd. =p oh well
group hug!!!!
after that catch up session, i met up with ken, joe, bryan, sze hao, derong, ed at glutton's bay for supper. i didn't eat much. =) it was nice to jus stay out, enjoy the sea breeze and listen to the guys talk cock.
renzi kissed and swore @
the TUESday when she had a disappointing time with food
can't remember much but i know...i had lunch with derong and ken in parkway. we had some la mian which i didn't finish.
for dinner i had mee siam which i didn't finish as well. hahah man i think i waste food. i finished the popiah but i still miss the other one joe introduced to me, the popiah from sim lim. orgasmiccc.
i had another disappointing dish, the chendol. ulgh.
call me suaku but whilst buying something in Famous
Anus Amos, i found this sign really amusing. YESH i noe it's been there since i dunno when but it never fails to amuse me =)
renzi kissed and swore @
the MONday when she had a hearty dinner
Woke up feeling physically like crap. Went to meet Kenneth at his place and continued sleeping before we met up with Joe and his aussie friend, Bryan. We went to Sim Lim, Bugis and ended up at Taka. We walked around this food fair and met a couple more of Joe’s friends from Aus. i tried their or ni, and it was DISAPPOINTING sigh. bryan showing me his pearly whites. sniff he's my age and he's doin his masters already *#$&*(@#$
indulging in food of sorts..
after loitterin around orchard, I had to leave them to meet the gals. A couple of us went for the buffet in Suntec. Ulgh. I hate eating buffets now. I hate stuffing myself. Thinking about it makes me wanna throw up. Anyway had my fair share of balls and meat. =p mustering a 'good' sign. i was so full. ulgh and check out the remains of jingxi's plate (bloody tofu! HAHAHAHA)
yeapppp when we were waiitng for a cab i met aik ming,with his girlfriend haha. the gals said i was a bitch to purposely hug him when his gf is around but hey he's my good friend ... =)
oh well...tat was the monday...
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, July 15, 2005
the day when she couldn't help but pondered
it's close to 3.30am and i'm still up. hahah...
well i finally got my results for the first semester and i'm pretty satisfied with my results. i mean i could have gotten another 2 points to get straight HD/Ds but oh well. it's over =)
nothing much has been happening. i've jus been going out. I'm still sick and probably will be worse when i go back to aus. in the meantime i'll just be coming back late, sleeping late and waking up early (i jus dun wanna stay at home...)
I kinda can't wait to go back to finish up my degree. finally after approximately 2.5 years in aus, i'm close to the finish line, or the end of the chapter of my life. i can't wait to get this over and done with, to get my worthless, useless piece of paper. bah. doing arts in uni is prob one of the most silly thing i've chosen to do so far. oh well wat's done cannot be undone. *shrug*
i'm looking forward to wat's in store for me. i'm looking for something challenging. up till now. nothing has been really pushed me to my limits. i don't wanna do something that i know i would regret and take with me to the grave. i've about...say 40 years to find that challenging job. wait...i'll give myself 5 years to find that path. =) wheee...
i'm excited. really, i am. to run blindly toward the light at the end of the tunnel can be quite daunting but i'll be running... i may experience some knocks or may trip along the way but hey that's life aint it? i'll try to be as optimistic as possible because i don't want anything to drag me down. not now.
dum dee dum...time to sleep... =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
the day when she ended her day with a "cold hot beer"
woke up early enough to take stupid shots with ray. my stupid bro was running around like a headless chicken, as usual, so i asked him to take a few shots with me.jus some sorta disclaimer...ray pulled his own ear. i didn't do nothing!
i kinda went through my drawers and found a few pairs of specs. among them, i found my first pair of specs. i think it's about 13 years old now =p gosh i'm old
went for church before i met up with two peeps individually. my spice gals =)
i met up with yiling (who looked so puny i could store her in one of my luggages) and jon teo (my ah paaaaaa...i'm very happppyy for himmmm hehehe)
had a session with yiling at the esplanade. we settled at some thai cafe and chatting with her kinda brought me back to jc days where i never failed to be 'updated' about the latest 'news'. well...she's still the same i guess. good simple food, and simple conversation topics. =) us, jus mucking around...yeah and myself trying a zoolander
i picked jon up from his place and we went for wantan mee (well he had wantan mee) at joo chiat before we headed to parkway (because it looked gloomy). well even though it was a short catch up session, it was still worth it nonetheless. it also brought me back to the good ol days of jc life where we used to chat on the phone, talking cock everyday =) i miss my ah pa. hahah took this in the parkway carpark when jon was smoking. we were enjoying the cool breeze after the torrential shower.
i went home early enough to catch ming (my neighbour) playing with my bro. and yeah from the photo, my bro was terrorising him. wonder why ming still wants to play with him,.
my grandaunt amusing herself with pinball. bah everyone's in my friggin room.
it's tiger time.hahah had a nice cold beer with karen outside my house after dinner. jus chatted about life again.
by the time we knew it, ken came to pick us up. he sent karen home before heading to newton for supper. the food tasted alright (think i was jus sick tat's why) but then again...i haven't exactly missed local food to begin with (yes yes kill me) tat was my sunday. met up with 3 jc individuals separately =) dum dee dumm...
ANYWAY for photos for the past here...
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, July 10, 2005
the day when she ran from place to place
my 6th day in sunny island (ironic, it jus rained): didn't do much in the morning. i ran and went to ken's place. had a good sleep there before we met sze hao, derong and clarisse. sze zhen and gang actually planned something for the birthday boy. we first brought him around borders and he had to look for some books (using some clues). hahah sze hao tryin to look for the next clue in one of them books.
well after that task, ken droved the gang to clarke quay where sh was challenged to take that inverted bungee ride =) i had to leave them there to meet up with a couple of peeps from my secondary school.
ken kindly dropped me off around the bugis area and i took a slow stroll to suntec. on my way there i saw a couple of floats and participants waitin, prob to perform for the ndp. =) the little gals were dressed in a nice pretty pink outfit each and well...i passed by a shitload of army tanks/vehicles (and passed by a couple of men in uniform, yeah army men in uniform. i jus cannot resist men in uniforms =)) nicoll highway closed for this event and well..good for passers-by like myself. i get to see....hehheheh..well uniforms. =ppp
and in suntec i managed to catch helicopters flying past with red mist behind them. wat isit called?? and yes i noe...helicopters hover guys!
the rest of the classmates couldn't make it...soooo..yeah..hahaha haven't seen baohui and shan shan for such a long time. it was good to see that they were doing well.
i had to leave the secondary school classmates to go for sze hao's party. when i reached his place, wow...the place was crowded. i felt like i was in some sorta mini wedding dinner. there were four table-full of kids/leaders from st hilda's. =) some, of legal age, looked red-faced already. sze hao wasn't excluded from the action as well. hahaha i HAD to take a few photos with the spice gals again. =) haven't seen them in ages. melbourne will be taking away another spice gal very soon, in fact in 3 days time. sigh i've to go to the airport again to see another friend off...stupid airport.
hahaha i need to take proper photo before sze hao leaves for the uk to study =)
anyway yeah..tat was about it for my day, my saturday. i was feeling sick so i didn't stay back for the 'after party'.
i'm going to have a party now...with karen. i found this pub/cafe outside my house. am actually waitin for her so we can go there to have a beer or two and chill =)
dum dee dum...
renzi kissed and swore @
the day when she had a great time with her bestie
on friday...i was supposed to go blade with karen but we were both lazy. we ended up donating blood. =PPP karen was laughing her butt off when she saw the wuss (me) cringe and look away. hahah after donating blood we had a buffet in chinatown before heading to orchard.
we chilled the day away before paul came to meet us. chatted for quite a bit before he had to meet another buncha friends.
nothing much else to say other than i had a feast in chomp chomp, with ken, sze hao, derong. it was my first time. yeshhhh suaku but hey the food there isn't tat fantastic. hahaha
quote of the day from karen "i'm so glad i'm your dad" (a painful awkward moment of silence followed)
renzi kissed and swore @
the day when she couldn't think of a title for that thursday
i typed this out on the 7th...too lazy to paste it then.
I started off my day by a run. This time round, I couldn’t help but feel that some lecherous old men were leering my way. BAH! Seriously wank off somewhere else! *shudder*
Anyway after my run and bath, I took a slow stroll to meet Ken at the coffee shop next to holy family church. We had quite a bit to eat. I had about two cream puffs, one cream tart, one kaya toast and an ice teh to wash down the sweet stuff. Kinda reminded me of the times when a couple of my church mates like Anne and Jean who used to meet me before church for breakfast. Maybe I should do that again. Maybe this Sunday. yeap..the iced teh never fails to wash down the bad stuff...hur hur hur
After breakfast we went to watch a movie at Suntec. The Fantastic 4 was another Marvel good-reign-over-evil flick. Well if you want action, romance and something plain feel-good, it’s probably a good one to catch.
I met mum, dad, aunty laura, uncle steven and desmond for dinner at pasir panjang(?) where we feasted on dishes like coffee-flavoured pork ribs, claypot vegetables, hor fun and paper-wrapped chicken. It was some sort of a treat from my parents for Des because he was due to fly to Perth to further his studies. Had a silly chat with him but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Desmond and I go way back. I think I knew him since I could walk or some thing of tat sort. I used to go to Malaysia with him. We would do silly, and innocent mind u, things together in the car, we used to play together when his parents came over for MJ when we were much younger. He also gave me my first peck on the cheek when I had my first birthday party in McDonald’s. And the first and prob last person who tried to drown me in a chalet. ANYYYWAY I was SO glad I warned mum to refrain from making snide comments about us, to make us talk. I mean yeah we go a long way but we still need time to warm up and all. Oh well. That was that. I wished I had taken a photo with Des. =) well I’m sure he’ll do fine in Perth.
I then made my way to Suntec to meet up with Yongsi, Jiarong, Kelvin, Sharon, Jon and Charms. We caught up and well I would say it was pleasant catching up with some whom I haven’t seen for half a year. =) I can’t wait to see the rest of the SATC gang =) a couple of us at some indonesian restaurant in suntec.
my very beloved friend...a part of the SATC gang hhehehe
somehow jon looks younger than me sniff...
So now I’m back home…going to call Ken soon. Stupid cats mating outside my house ARGH don’t they friggin know that it’s time to sleep. SOMEONE GET THEM A ROOM! Hahaha…! Okay…time to go…
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, July 07, 2005
the day when she had a packed day
Third day in the land laden with anorexic looking cats. I woke up after less than 2 hours of sleep. Mum was also surprised because I actually got up at 6.30 to run. I love to start my day early. I ran for about close to an hour. My run along the telok kurau track was pretty enjoyable. There were people both young and old with their own agendas. Some were doing taichi (I wanted to join them…maybe I’ll do that soon), others especially the younger ones were dragging their feet to school, some adults were clad in office work walking slowly to the MRT station. The only thing that put me off was the drain or what we call the lonkang. MANNNNNN it stunk! But oh well I had to run beside it. *shrug*
After the run, I met Kenneth for breakfast. I chose one of the Bedok hawker centers. Both Kenneth and I settled for heart-attack-inducing four dishes namely, the or lua (I ate the eggs only), nasi lemak, wantan mee, fried carrot cake.Yeah we were both greedy.
Anyway I met Gao, Xh and Dom for lunch at Sakae (my second time since my arrival). I didn’t eat much because I had SOO much for breakfast. Had a chat with them before I met Persis and her boyfriend (I should call him by his name…okok…Alvin). We had tea at Paragon. I was lamenting to them about life and the bits that tagged along with it. xh and myself....we finally took a nice photo together.
my travel buddy back in the AC days. gao is one of a kind =)
my beloved cousin and our tea session. but oh well nothing beats the cakes in downunder.
my first photo with alvin =) hehe
I left them to meet Uncle Aloy for a while. He asked for us to go for dinner next week. Oh well…I have to because I guess I just have to lah. =p I then took a bus to meet Kenneth at Parkway (again). On my way to Parkway I had this superb idea or well something triggered this recollection/memory that Meng (or myself) came up with. I’m already excited. SO I messaged him and we’re going to carry through what we suggested 3-4 years ago.
We had our dinner at Crystal Jade before going back to his place to wait for Sze Hao’s call. I was actually supposed to meet the SATC gals but…sigh…
Yeah FINALLY at about 10 (I was sleeping, what’s new eh?) he called and we made our way to Simpang for artery-clogging activity- Supper. And FINALLY they got my order right. I had a simple mushroom-cheese bomb. =) The last time the man didn’t take down my order properly, or maybe I just confused him. Kenneth was disgusted at my order but hey I enjoyed it so *shrug* we chilled there for a bit before Kenneth sent my home. grease me up with fats and love
So now I’m back home. Stupid connection is not working. Maybe I’ll bring my lappie to Ken’s place tomorrow. I need to do quite a bit tomorrow. =) Time to sleep. I need to wake up early to run. If I don’t do so, I’ll prob suffer from a stroke by the time I’m due to go back to Melbourne. NOOooo I don’t want to die an undergraduate