Tuesday, May 31, 2005
food makes me happy
i'm quite satisfied today. reasons being...
1) i did quite a bit today. I feel accomplished.
2) i went for my run. Haven't done tat in a while. (i'll be doing tat in the morning with wani tomorrow. whee)
3) I went for ALL my classes, AND i didn't doze off for any of them. Quick someone! give me a plaque!
4) had a nice dinner. =) terrence n i went to this other side of clayton to try out the korean place paul was talking about. it wasn't too bad. we had this huge BBQ plate of meaty yummies =) and it was my first time trying ox tail. heheh
hmmm okok...time to finish up typing my soci notes. then i'll wait for ken's call before i prepare for another battle tomrr!
(sniffles i still....i still.... i'm still suffering from bad withdrawal symptoms. sniffles. 15 more days to freedom! which means...i need to call SQ ARGH!!!)
renzi kissed and swore @
horror of horrors...! the phone line's not working...!!! that means i can't talk to ken-boy! shock! horror!!!
(yes i'm dramatic, or even being overly dramatic, sue me pluuease!)
sniffles. no anime, now no call...
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, May 30, 2005
tired for some reason
i'm feeling drained for some reason. my eyes feel like they're about to close anytime AND i just feel so lethargic. i didn't study much today (only read through a few chapters of (%*$*(&(#& sociology), and i didn't even run. man. wat's wrong. I'm perplexed. hahah
it can't be the feast that i had with janz, ter and viv just now. hmm or could it be? maybe eating does make you tired. hmmm HAHAHAHA i've gotta train to eat man. somehow along the years, i've lost my touch in eating. heheh =)
i still feel stuffed from yum cha just now. it'll be a long time later before i step into any of those chinese restaurants for yum cha. (ULGH) well... at least i gotta eat i guess. i'm still craving for steamed fish though. sighh... i want my fishhhhh!!!!! (hahah sorry guys for whining to u just now)
heheh...anyway maybe i should ask terrence to drive to coles so i can grab like some sorta vitamin to make me more awake and energised. hmm i wonder what i'm lacking. *ponder*
okok..time to go... i'll prob try calling SQ to see whether i can get a flight back.
(argh!!! i miss slamdunk already. bahhh... i passed my stack of cds to cheng already. and i made a bet with ken-boy that should i watch any anime during the exam period, i would have to....literally beg on the streets till i get at least 10 bucks...sigh... the things i bet on) ANYYYWAYYY more photos...... well this was my dessert and last dish respectively. heh.. =)
hahahha i attempted to take a nice photo of the two of them. janelle attempted to pose while...some other idiot didn't even make an attempt to be an idiot. =ppp he jus was being idiotic. heheh
my new found friend, bob (the supposed scarecrow). we found him jabbed in this mountain of fruit balls. janelle had to take off his hat =((( he's a scarecrow no more...
yeap jus the four of us went for yum cha today...*drool*
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, May 29, 2005
no title
well from today onwards, i wouldn't have much to say becauseeeeeeee.... exams are round the corner. that simply means that i wouldn't have time to go out, no time to do anything except study. ideally tat's what i need to do. argh! i need to firstly stop watching slam dunk. *groan* of all times i have to start watching anime at this point of time. for those peeps like jon loh and derong, they would be able to vouch how addicted i can be. take prince of tennis for example. ARGH!!! helpppp...
it's affecting my eyesight. i tried to watch tv today while eating but my eyes couldn't focus on the images on the tv. bahh..this is bad. argghhh!!
okok....time to get back act right. when susu comes back, i'll shove all my dvds and cds to her. tat means.... i wouldn't have any to watch which meannnnnnnsss....i wun have to be tempted. tat also means that susu will get tempted. HAHAHAHAHH shit...maybe passing her the stack of cds is a wrong idea. moreover she also watches anime. okok....i'll pass them to cheng. CHENG COME BACK QUICK!!!!
well..time to type some notes. and go to bed. ulgh. had a long day. thank goodness during work today, danny was in a terribly good mood. i was only reprimanded once! whoo! (for those who don't know danny can have grossly unpredictable mood swings, soo...yeap)
time to go, time to run! (maybe i should watch as much as i can before cheng comes home??)
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, May 28, 2005
my week at a glance
hmmm i realised i haven't really been blogging regularly (tat means a few times a day). for some reason i've nothing to say. my life's boring atm man. sheesh.
i'm up early. it's really dark even though it's 9am. bah! stupid melbourne weather. i wanna run!!! hmmm i'll run after it stops raining i guess. heh
anywayyy let's see.
On Monday, i ate so much. sometimes i feel like a pig. First i went for yum cha with terrence. Then later at night, i joined Weijie, Janelle, Paul and Josh for this horrible buffet in springvale. I was so glad that the company compensated for the shit we got.
I can't remember much for Tuesday. And Wednesday I met Vivik, Kee to go to the city to have dinner with Bryan. Well as promised we had dinner, then we played MJ for while before we had to rush to flinders to catch the 12+am train. HAhaha..i tell you it's so refreshing to run down the quiet streets of the city. I wish i can do tat more often. haha i was giggling like a secondary school girl while running. think vivik and kee can vouch for this.
Ah Thursday. I woke up late and had to rush through my damn assignment. Like in my previous entry I was so glad Keith sent me to Berwick to hand up my essay on time. I can't imagine next year when I have to hassle to 4 differnt campuses. ULGH!!! I then met terrence for dinner and we went grocery shopping. I bought sooo much. Sigh i must learn to curb the habit of buying everything that catches my eye. =)
Yesterday, i think i stayed at home. Did almost everything that i listed in my previous entry. I'm so proud of myself that i can be domesticated. HUR HUR HUR. i cleaned the toilet, vacumned the house and my room. (Susu cleaned the washroom...thanks gal). I even managed to run. WHEE!!! (but running in 12C temperature is no joke.) i ended my day with a good meal prepared by my other housemate, cheng (thanks gal! u're a good cook) and watching anime. hahaha maybe i should stop watching slamdunk eh? ARGH!!! WHY DID I START??? heheh
well here are some photos i took, for more click here. yum cha with terrence was good. =) i tink i ate more than terrence. hahahhaa the bill amounted up to 41 bucks but it was all good. i guess it was like comfort food for me since i was down tat day =)
mucking around with paul. we were supposed to look like we were going to smooch butttt... i look too constipated here. bah!
we didn't manage to have a group photo. this will do i guess.. sorry paul!
we managed to finish the food! wait. weijie managed to finish the food! hahahaha kudos to him man!
those two buggers were trying to do a renee&jan. hahaha do they resemble us? hehehe
hahah these were taken on the night i met humpa. my bowl of noodles was GIGANTIC!!!! man! i couldn't finish it. and somehow i seemed to be the last person who finished eating.
we were walking to flinders when i decided to take a photo. a pity we didn't capture the city scape behind us.
i was waitin for the train when i decided to snap a couple more shots. hahaha i was bored!!!
yeap...nothing much else happened in renzi's life. my life's boringgg..but oh well. i'm done with the happening life. now i'm boring renee. now i is nerd!
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, May 26, 2005
may's birthday parteeeee
we celebrated may's birthday in advance on friday. well by the time i got there, there wasn't much food left. heheh =) anyway the party consisted of the usual ppl. this time round, there waasn't charms, oaks, but well loads of unfamiliar faces. heheh guess i haven't been much to the lounge. *shrug* happy birthday may!!!
customary photos taken...this is the first generation. well counting from CH's batch =)
second generation headed by ryan =) hahaha it's amazing to see so few ex-gen comm members of this generation. only kee and myself. hahahah
ahhh the generation with the fewest execs (excluding bryan's batch). hahaha from left: grace, shaliza, kee, daryl, winson, may, maggie, joey, song yee, melissa, giap how, yuet mei, chiang wey and meeeeee...
the current MUISS committee members. i know less than half of them man. hahaha i had this common agreement that this particular guy's not bad loooking. hehe go figure. (he kinda reminds me of wee)
yeapperz... for more photos, click here.
well...i'm finally done with all my assignments. the feeling of tearing down my list of assignment due dates overwhelmed me with bliss. it did however dawn on me that one semester's going to be over. wow. how time flies. it's so fast it scares me. argh! i haven't made up my mind whether i should go back.
damn it.
anyway after i was done with me assignment, i hung around in the muiss lounge to wait for the stupid bus which i was supposed to catch an hour later. thank God i saw Keith and he offered to give me a lift to berwick. mannn. (times like this when i really wish i had a car of my own) well... i managed to hand up my stupid assignment without getting penalised. i was supposed to hand it in by 4pm but...the lady in the arts fac was lazy, so tat's all good =) i handed up my assignment late, but because of that fact, i scooted off scot-free without having 6 marks deducted. phew!
heheh...yeap yeap...tat was my day. wait...went out with trs for dinner at rock kung. was supposed to go for coffee with him but well i was hungry so...change of plans! =) i tink i piss the shit out of him sometimes but...hahah thanks for bearing with my shit! oh and thanks for the hazelnut thing. (i can't bear to open it...but i will finish it by sunday. i want to start eating healthy again. okok...)
time to go...i did some packing. now all i need to for tomorrow is...
1) do my second batch of laundry
2) vacumn the place, including my room
3) wash the toilet
4) run
5) finish up my readings for MKF
yeap...easy peasy.. hope i can do everything listed above. time to rest. time to wait for ken-boy to message me. wheeee
i'm in a good mood. =)
renzi kissed and swore @
last week's flashback
hmm waiting for mr simon to go for a drink so here are some photos from last week's dinner. heheh steamboat.
there was too much food to go around tat we ended up playing indian poker. =ppp our spread for the evening =) we had balls, meat, veges...
yeap the peeps who graciously came for the feast
not forgeting viv...aka vicky!!! =ppp
chilling after the meal...
for more photos click here (lazy to elaborate)
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
what theeee
The University of Blogging
Presents to
Renee Yang
An Honorary
Bachelor of
Majoring in
Quiz AddictionSigned
Dr. GoQuiz.com®
From Go-Quiz.com
renzi kissed and swore @
jack of all trades, master of none
i truly believe that the phrase in the title describes me.
i'm demoralised.
Just as i was brooding over some issues on the bus, I wondered why I hadn't gotten my fine. Lo and behold, when i checked my mailbox, I found a letter for me. I was slapped with a 150-dollar fine. Whoopie-do-da-daaaaaae.
Really, just my day. I'm so excited for the rest of the day.
Seriously, someone just knock the daylights out of me yeah? Run me over with a car, truck, whatever fancies u.
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, May 23, 2005
thinking of...
i'm contemplating whether i should skip today's classes. hahha i can't believe myself sometimes.
anyway just had breakfast and i'm wondering what i should have for lunch. hmm i didn't have any appetite but had to shove something down my throat because i wanna make it a habit to have breakfast. as they say "breakfast is the most important meal". =) hahhaa let me list down wat i had for breakfast
1) expired milk (it still tasted alright so i guess i'll be fine)
2) pork floss (the pack of it has been sitting in my fridge since karen was here)
3) bread (it was in the freezer since a mth ago?)
hahaha oops. well if anything goes wrong i'll see the doc later because *drum roll* i have an appointment with the doc. WHEE!!! i mean i shouldn't be this excited. damn! i think i'm warped. it must be the rash. damn it. well i need to find out wat's wrong with me. And as usual i wanna ask her a few questions. my tummy prob, my eye (i woke up today with a pain below my eye, like someone punched me). wat else? i'd better come up with a list. get this over and done with then i can concentrate on......... my stupid essay! hehhee
ok time to start typing again. waitin in anticipation for... 1545hrs...
renzi kissed and swore @
whee (note the sarcasm)
hungry man...think it's the lack of food... yawn... let me try to recall what i had for the whole day. two pieces of egg tarts, a puny piece of brownie and well some slices of ham and tomatoes. hahaha i didnt wanna doze off because of a full stomach so there. oh oh =p my rash seem to be subsiding. hopefully i dun wake up in the middle of the night again.
feeling somewhat disturbed. well not to the extent disturbed. i just can't find the right word to describe how i'm feeling now. i can't believe the irony man. i mean i jus told someone not to think too much about a few matters and here i am, not practising what i preach. tsk
firstly i did come up with reasons why i did wat i did. then came the cancellations of a few which i thought were more excuses than reasons. i fumed thereafter questioning myself why i should care and bother so much. i fumed even more after reading something else which prompted me to msg that particular someone. well think he's sleeping oh well.
let's see... you said so much but yet why didn't u tell me? i mean i thought we were friends. wait. i should correct myself now. i thought we were close friends. oops i forgot to realise that close friends talk, or even say hi online. we dun even communicate. i feel that i've done my part to maintain this thing we call 'friendship'. have you? think about it dude.
sigh friendships. the beauty of it. the danger of it. the lure of it.
okay..maybe i wasn't fuming, but i certainly am disturbed. sigh tat's the closest word i can find to describe how i'm feeling now. oh well.
time to sleep. i need to visit the doc soon. maybe my rash will miraculously disappear tomorrow.
goodnight fucked up world. yawn
renzi kissed and swore @
Sunday, May 22, 2005
stupid rash, stupid essay
arghh...i've this horrible rash since thursday. something terrible is wrong with it. damn it. if only i know wat's happening.
i can't even sleep in peace. i wake up because i've been scratching in my sleep. ulgh.
sucks. damn it!
argghhh....stupid rash.
thank God the essay's due on thursday! whee! i'm so glad i emailed my tutor. well she didn't extend my due date because of my email...but the general due date has been pushed back. whee....
argh... time to get back to my stupid essay.
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, May 21, 2005
time to start preparing for the essay
readings.. check!
research.. check!
darn! okok...i'll go take a quick shower (it's cold i wanna warm myself up) before i venture into the unknown. HA!
renzi kissed and swore @
we're in pic of the month!
hahaha....check out this website Apparantly..we're the pic of the month.. hahaha =) It's a pic of the gals with daddy.
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, May 20, 2005
mum's email...still deciding...sighhh
Tentatively have booked as flws:
July 3
EK404 1520/0020hrs
Dec 19
EK405 2300/0105hrs
*your requested July 7 is fully booked on wait-list
so are other flights returning to Singapore.
Fare : S$963 (inclusive of taxes)
Any changes is subject to service charge
Let us know your decision.
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, May 19, 2005
i reek of weariness
well...today was indeed a long day. all the reading, shopping, cooking and talking has taken a toll on me. too much for me little brain to take...(in usual circumstances i do, i dun tink)
hmm guess it's time to take a short break from reality, bask in the glory of restful sleep.
good night world...
(btw i'm still on red alert for two dear friends... hang in there guys! i'm praying for you two and i love u!)
~wish upon a star, renzi (it's 2am)
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
ramblings: the silly things i do
hahaha....as the title suggests something already. wait it doesn't even hint, it outrightly states that...oh well...u can read..ulgh
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
hahahhaah i'm feeling bloated. me tummy feels uncomfortable again. i'll prob see the doctor soon i guess... hahah bahh...
anyway i'm also feeling a wee bit guilty for watching survivor when i was supposed to be doing work. darn! well at least i did my tut while watching it.
last feeling for the day: weariness. you know u're tired when you doze off at EVERY single lecture. tat was what happened to me today. this is esp so for janne's seminar. i was blatently nodding in front of her. (maybe i could actually pass off as agreeing with her?) sigh... i tink i need sleep.
okay...i'll sleep early, wake up early to get some work done bfore i head down to caufield for my stupid tut. if only i need not go for this stupid lesson. the tutor's useless anyway BAH!
okay (x2) last thing...NO MORE READING BLOGS TILL I FINISH MY STUPID 60% ASSIGNMENT!!! and no more chatting. *mental note mental note***
time to wait for ken's call..i need rest.
renzi kissed and swore @
my eyes feel like tearing all the time
i'm not sad, nor having any surges of emotions but my eyes feel like tearing. ulgh. tink my eyes are dry...stupid weather, no wait stupid melbourne weather. bleah! had to wake up at 7 to go for my dental apt at 8 in springvale. it was sooo cold when i stepped out of the house, thank God i was prepared. hehe i coated myself with 4 layers =) man i can't imagine winter *shiver at the thought*
yeah so where was i? oh finally i found myself in bryan's place slicing carrots, preparing for the appetizers and making this funny pastry thingie. 3 hours whizzed by and allan, daryl, may, joey arrived. following are the some of the photos i took our appetizers. i can't remember them names though but it was yummilicious!!!!
this was followed by... heheh prawn + pasta with fig essence AND mushroom sauce on steak with chestnuts, carrots, asparugus. =)
DESSERT: rose flavoured panna cotta with watermelon essence
for the first time i enjoyed drinking red wine.. =) ahahha because it was sweet hehe
daryl and myself.. hehe we were full and contented..
allan and i =) hehehe we took a couple of shots, this was the most decent one. i mean the nicest looking one.
the aftermath of the dinner...hehe gotta thank daryl for washing =-)
ehehehe..yeapperz...shit! i'm going to be late for class!!!! argh!!! time to run!