Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Think you know everything about me? Take the "How well do you know rEnEe" quiz I created on Tickle and see how you score.
Here's my first question:
1. what's my worst habit?
* lazing around
* procrastinating
* not packing my room
* eating too much
Just click (or copy and paste) this link and you'll be taken to my quiz.
renzi kissed and swore @
i'm in NO7 now and waiting for jon to bathe...bahh...guys nowadays...
well ahahha tryin to convince drew to join us for breakkie....i'm going to caulfield for breakkie....or maybe...mcdonald's...hmm have been craving for sausage egg mcmuffin...yawnnn..
didn't sleep...yawn....
(it's 8.58pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm haven't felt like this for so long...well because i sleep at wierd hours of the day...i actually feel sick and feel like vomiting..sigh..
anyway had a few chocettes while editing my essay...hope everything goes well...this time round i really have no confidence for this paper...hmm hahahah then again i always dun have confidence for all my essays. take my soci essays last semester...i was so unsure and scared i'd screw up but i score HDs for both my that i fluke or is that effort, or isit both?
flukes....sometimes i feel that everything i do is out of fluke, my exams (if i do ok)....or when i do my essays, my half-past-ten work is all but a fluke...i dunno...guess i dare say i haven't really accomplished much in life.
yeah...and i'm thinking about a lot of things right now. thinking, regretting, and reminicising. people say you learn from your mistakes but sometimes i'm too stubborn, or ....hai~ i dunno...will write about that soon...
just missing my granny at this moment..sigh...
oh yah...i jus's my birthday tomoroow....well i have been pretty busy to bother about everything except matters to the heart and about myself...well happy birthday to myself in advance...shall talk about this later at night...
oh yeah....anothe thing...i'm supposed to help drew and danny dye their hairs today..whoo! then i can GOP from one of hand's itchy to dye my hair again...bad habit...i haven't stopped since i got out of JC....i noe black is natural and nice but argghhh....!!
hmm going to gippsland with byron, alvina and charms soon....well the day after tomorrow to be exact and i'm not exactly excited...i'm not excited for anything now...what's wrong with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???
sigh..maybe i should get some's 8 in the morning already..yawn..
and i asked jon to wake me up some more...well maybe i shouldn't sleep at all...hope i can concentrate...
i've got a meeting for my activities gen comm as well as well two
thank goodness tomorrow's a free's a free day for me...
so much for rambling...
oh read jan's blog...damn funny...hahahah =) hahahhahahahha.....why does everyone think weijie's wierd...he's well one of a kind i guess....quite xiao onz....good for SAM hehehe
okokokokokookokokokokok....time to goooooo....arghhhh...
sleep beckons me to bed
i will follow ...
(it's 8.05pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
yawn....something's wrong with my more divident...howwww???
renzi kissed and swore @
i'm a little stoned because it's already 7.07 in the morning. I took a quick nap before i got up to do work.
Let's see ...
what happened on monday... i went for lecture. Dozed off AGAIN... but woke up when that boring Holmes dude played a video. It was on Youth and the notion of "cool" man! this video was quite an old video, when brittney (oops! i did it again...i can't spell) was at her selling peak (erm...1998?) hahaha we need more up-to-date videos! let's go on a strike!! yawn...strikes....i agree with janelle...there is no use in strikes. everyone should jus sit down and have a nice chat over tea n coffee...hehe
right after the meeting, i had an informal meeting with the execs. Then a MUISS gen comm meeting. everything was quick and chop chop. so yeah... came home and erm....can't remember much....all i remembered was going over to jon's to have a quick nap. then i proceeded by doing my work till 7....hehehe had about 3 hours of sleep then had to rush off to class..
rushed to class...had psych class straight after and....yawn.... went to tighten me braces...OUCH...this time round it hurt like hell!!! even worse than the previous visit 2 weeks ago... well looks like i can't eat much, or well i'll have to eat slowly at WONG KUMs...
well hmm shit,,my brain isn't functionin tat well now it's bloody in the morning now lah...wat do u expect...sigh
hahaha....andrew came to pick me up...den i went home to change because it was getting cold and i was wearing a skirt...clever lah..hahah
andrew then drove me to uni for the SAM meeting. after that we came back, cooked (it was a good meal...heheheh) and had dinner with jon, charms, byron, and alvina. we watched survivor, it was jus a recap...BOOOOOOOO...and right after that i went up to do my work. i asked byron and charms to go home because i was uncomfortable doing work with ppl ard me (or when i dun prepare myself mentally ...haha jus like when charms says she has to prepare herself mentally to stay over at NO4)
was very uncomfortable and didn't get mcuh work done till 1/2 an hour later when the two decided to go home. finished up bulk of my work (half way through andrew and danny came up to disturb us two gals but....well i pushed them out of my room after a while...needed to get my essay over and done with). yeah finished up bulk of my worka nd went over to NO7 and talked to jon first...den went over to drew's room to talk to him. (hahaha jon accidentally slammed the door on one of drew's toes and it was black and bleeding....ahahhaha)
it was my first time talking to andrew properly and it was good =) hahahha
well dozed off once again and woke up at 4....staggered back home and talked to kenneth for a while before i started on the final details of me essay...yay! it's done...whoo!!!!!!!
okayzzzz....time to go to bed now......
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, March 29, 2004
Welcome to another episode of an equivalent of DAYS OF OUR LIVES, NEIGHBOURS or ZHEN QING...I would like to call "DayS iN mOnAsH"
In this episode, we see quarrels, misunderstandings, being caught in the middle, seeing too much for our own good, hearing too much. Man! Exciting....... yawn.... tiring to see so much happen at the same time...and actually it isn't any of my business because i'm not in it but seeing ppl suffer, and in agony...i feel bad... =(
anyyyywayyy having slight cramps because of RED RUBY...bwahhaa...and well it was further intensified after talkin to danny. sometimes i can jus puke blood talkin to him.... he knows that too...we quarreled and discussed over it BUT he just doesn't listen...hmm haha sometimes he's jus like me, we're both too stubborn but he's more stubborn than me....
oh well....
jus had a lecture...dozed off in it...i still feel weary...not too sure why.....
had lunch before that....
in b/w that had a chat with charms...
okay...enough for today....enough ambiguity (i hate being like that but i can't say much about this at this point of time...)
woke up early (and we're back to a 2 hour diff...whee!!!) and trodded back to the house with charms and alvina. everyone was high the night before...and there was quite a bit of drama before i came back...
well we took a shower each and then i borrowed drew's car to church. (those 2 dozed off in church hahaha) and after church we went to the farm to buy some fruits. right after that we went to this vietnamnese restaurant in the glen. i shared food with charms and we both had to still pay 8 bloody bucks...sheesh!!!
right after that we headed off to chaddy for a while...did some grovery shopping then .... met yongsi, rachel and jiarong so we offered to send them home. drew had the job of doing so while jon, alvina danny and myself went down to Thrifty to return one of the cars.... hmm i found out how much i'm supposed to pay for a van...shall ask byron to help me with it next week or something...when humpa is free-er.....
hahaha we had a good time laughing at jon because we were slapping him with some rubber thingie...hahah and he had bart's expression in the simpsons.....CLASSIC... =) first time laughing in the day...the mood was somber and so heavy....sighh....
anyyyywayyyy..... came back to pack... we had so much KUEY and cake not to mention POW (POWDRERFUL DAY) soooo we distributed them among the neighbours..heheh
had dinner at byrons then came home. actually went over to jon's...dozed off...and alvina came over to "pick" me called kenneth after that and went to sleep instead of doing work..sighhhh
went for CONNEXIONS 2004...very hectic day.... it became better during the afternoon.... hahha we played captain's ball...and we won....
met weiquan there and his friends...wa laoo...blooody CHAO lah the way tey play....but we still won..whoo!! hahaha those in my team were prawn mee (aka weijie), joel (the meddie guy), by-the-ron, renald, samuel (er..some call him bak kut teh), janelle, sharon and myself...hahah i really miss games like these...shall organise one week or something..hehehhe
anyyywayyy oaky won the i-pod....sighh...when danny announced the last digit......."4" i was really happy...den when he announced 144..... then no one picked up the i-pod sooo he announced another was "4" again..but this time round it was number's 24!!!! i-pod lehhhhh....hahahah i dun need it but i can sell it...heheheh
after that walked to charms' place and chatted with jon and charms. we dropped by meiyan/cat;s plce and had quite a fun time singing...etc... =) i was also stuffing jon's face with chips much to jon's annoyance (is that annoyment??) hahahha
well came home to bathe and went out clubbing with janelle, keith, samuel, jiarong, kelvin...hahah we all squeezed in a stupid small car...but hahah oh well..quite fun lah overall... =) half way through..charms called and said "renee come backkkkkkkkk hahahahahha" well she was high then already.... hmmm i drank a bit... we shared a few jugs, i drank a shot with everyone and then kelvin bought me anotehr drink....we also played drinking games and jiarong is soooooo bluurrrr..hahahah but first time i hear janelle laugh sooo much..heheh
thennn....well we danced....i f\danced till i was quite sleepy...but the music was not bad..hehehe
time to go i guesss......will not be updating my blog till i finish my adssignment...hmmm today i'll yhave another lecture...then muiss execs meeitng...then gen comm meeting...fianlly yvonne's back...
last thing to say...:
connexions was a success although i tot it was a fluke success anyyywayyyy...i told byron "finally it's over and i don't have to worry about danny any more" i was soo wrong...if i were in a play....this would be called a DRAMATIC IRONY...sighh's 2.31pm
renzi kissed and swore @
danny's in my room NUAing =p
going to call kenneth now...
have been super busy....with connexions etc...
will update soon... (it's 3.07am
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, March 27, 2004
it's the beginning of a really hectic day...yawn...
i came home last night and went to the nieghbour's talked to jon and andrew. andrew looked like he was quite asked him whether he needed help..... danny also came in looking stressed...hmm i gave him a massage and he dozed off into deep sleep... (he said he didn 't wanna sleep some more...rubbish the body needs rest)
then i started writing a speech...well he said he doesn't have a speech so i decided to do a in-case speech....stayed up till 4 plus..yawn..
hmm going off now....waiting for alvina then we're going to uni with jon...long dayyyy....after the whole connexions...we still have to go "give face" to next blue (a/c to janelle)
so yeah...if i'm going (i'm prob gong because me promised jan already) then i'll be coming home damn late...oh well *shrug*
time to's 8.21pm
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, March 26, 2004
i'm in kee's place now, waiting for sze min to pick us up...we're going to RAIS' inauguration and hmm got a long week end this week...hahah i asked for it...
well jus went to consult may and sighh...guess i've to scrape off the hot air balloon trip and sighh.... i felt too much money i spent on too little people...too little budget i i told smiley face to do go-karting should be cheaper and more affordable for the i.students..... sighh
anyyywayyy.... i'm going to bryush my teeth and get loads to do tonight...i dun intend to sleep...i need to do workkkkkkk
ok time to go's going to be a loooong dayyyy (it's 4.50)
renzi kissed and swore @
it's true when i say i need the internet....hahaha =) glad i have my internet connected, only prob is we can't use our phone line...had to go to jon's house to use the phone. after talking to dear, i took a nap.....andrew had to wake me up to ask me to go home...but since the rest (charms, alvina, danny, ivan, jon, andrew i think) were in the other room talking and watching some movie. i explained patiently (well i tried to...hey! i'm a grumpy ass when i jus wake up....ask karen....*thinks back on the post-Alevel days) to andrew that i need the sleep because i was going to stay heheh here am i...well actually what woke me up exam timetable! the bloody tentative timetable is out.... and my exams are as follows.... 8,9.....21!!!! basket.....why can't i have a spread out one?? so if everything's confirmed, i'll not even touch soci until i finish both my psych papers...sigh....still very worried for both my psych papers...
going to meet one of my tutors tomorrow to ask about psych...stats to be exact and hopefully i'd be enlightened...hey i've to travel to caulfield to see him so it'd better be a fruitful one..
tomorrow's the last day for selling the tickets for CONNEXIONS...think everything would go smoothly....danny ought to get some brownie points somewhere...good on him man....
tomorrow's also RMIT's inauguation, i am going for yeah.... wanna see how their equivilant of the LAST BASH would be like...dum dee dum....
tomorrow's also my table duty hope i can get things running..... go to caulfield and come back asap...
hopefully tomorrow i dun have been eating too much, or's emotional eating...i hate feeling like crap...well shall stopppppp snacking next time before i get my period (when i get more frustrated)
charms is in my room now it leaves me to do work...that's good =) need to catch up on me work.....after this i shall ask kenneth to call me and i'll do some work after... =)
getting tired...but i will survive!
(it's 5.11am)
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, March 25, 2004
well welll FINALLY MY INTERNET CONNECTION IS UP AND RUNNING!!! yay!!!! hehehe one thing that made me happy....the whole day was cruddy.... dunno why.... i was feeling like crap for the whole day and well everyone seemed to be irritating (although nobody did anything like superrr off or's just me and one of those days...)
today, i went to school for soci tut (the only tut that i enjoy....only dominique being a dumbass talking all the time) then psych lecture which the stupid lecturer closed BOTH the damn doors, got stuffy...i got reallllyyyy realllyyyy irritated after a while, everyone got figity BUT the only lecturer said "it can't be helped" hey the damn doors, that MAY help...basket
theennn.... to top things up, i was going to make my way to the MUISS lounge and they had a stupid rally...sighh...
then had a meeting with my gen comm, still worrying about MMN ...cna't fine any president...alfred jus told me he can't...sighh
thenn....after that i went home, i told kee i really wasn't in any mood to mingle and show a happy face, i've gotta do that tomorrow for the inauguration....
hhmmmm charms, jon and alvina are next door.... hmm going to join them soon....
(it's 11.04pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
irritated deh! stupid lah..sooo many ppl queueing for the damn computers in the library....thik i'll print my notes in MUISS basket lah...waste time queueing....thik i'm pms-ing...yesterday today i'm very grumpy..hahahaha...oh welll
anyyywayy going to the booth to meet janelle danny....then prob go to the library to do work...need to get my work done!!!!!!!!!
shall talk about alot of things next time i get back...
(it's 12.17)
renzi kissed and swore @
it's close to 11 and i'm going to listen to lectures online soon.....had quite a night last night, with danny and jon visiting my room when i was doing work, danny was waiting for alvina to come back from the neighbour's and he couldn't sleep....poor thing...think alvina only got back at around 3+ (a/c to danny)? and hmm yeah..danny's stressed and i can u'stand why..hahah and that dude...still tinks he's soft...yeah guess so, well sometimes one needs to noe when to be harsh and when not to...
anyway had a quick chat and i slept when i was supposed to be doing me reading...
woke up to go to caulfield with danny and jon(he had classes) and hmmm i had rashes on my face....i was using the blackheads paper (from j&j) and yaaaa... wa laoooo....stupid ppl giving out the thing..heheh but now i noe if i wanna CHAO GENG on anything...i'll use that and go to the doc's heee...
anyway nothing much to say for today...yesterday wasn't too's another new day...ywan...yawn...
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
well had a difficult time waking up today, danny's still sick..went to school myself, met giap halfway...
had psych tut...cute damien* is in my other psych tut as well! whoo! hahaha we are both chao slackers and he's full of shit, and fun to be around i guess.. =) my group was talking about an issue we weure supposed to discuss, then we deviated and talked about MnMs... (and how they actually taste different a/c to the colour..) personally i think it's bullshit because hey i'm Dr Chocolate la! =p hahah after a while, all of us got hungry so i asked for permission to be excused and i went to the vending machine to buy chocolates, MnMs to be exact... =) when i came back my group was very tickled by my idea why.....
ANYYYWAYYY had communication tut right after that and lecture after my tut....hmm nothing much else to getting hungry again! jus had pasta and an ice cream!! argghhh
okok...time to check my SAM mail soon...and do some work in th elibrary...maybe some research...(so i can do it asap and i can go for the inauguration for 2 unis =))
*yes...damien..haha has nice eyes, nice sexy eyebrows...LIKE KENNETH!!!! heheeh
it's 3.09pm
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, March 22, 2004
well i'm back in the execs room and hahah janelle and ryan are playing outside...that's's always good to see couples happy =) (hopefully not on the surface only)
hmm i'm going to the library soon because i need to print out notes because me have to o research and stuff HOPE THAT THE DAMN COMPUTERS ARE NOT DOWN AGAIN...
let me try to recap what i did during e weekend...friday seemed like a blur...only remember that i had to wake up to go to school for table duty..NO ONE was well haha called paul to ask him whether he could come down to help out...and he did voice out smething...
after that...i can't remmber much...shiiitttt.... all i noe is i went home to bake pasta and charms and byron came over for dinner...
we had training...well it went pretty well and i'm quite happy with the committee (only a few reservations for some but i keep my comments to myself now). i talked to the ppl under me and quite happy to have a great team...(but gulp..this is the first time i'm seeing them as a team) i do see potential in each and every one of them (i didn't choose most of them because i had to be in spore so i had to make do with whatever feedback that was given to me by the rest of the execs....)
anyyway after the training...we went for lunch (think i said that in my previous entry) and went to sze min/charms' place for dinner. we had a great meal (wanted to finish up the food but was embarrassed since no one else was eating already..hehe). we ate grapes while watching you've got mail.
came home and went over to the neighbours' was kinda a wrong move to call alvina and go over to the neighbours' because i jolly well knew i had work to much for resolutions ... bleh...
had a drink only and we played games...
felt sleepy so went up to jon's room, briefly talked to kenneth and dozed off in jon's bed...
went to church with charms (met the medicine ppl there) and had lunch after that at the usual YUM CHA place... =) we had it with danny, alvina n drew. after tat we headed off to the 60% sale (tat's bullshit by the way) at IKEA and went home.
the guys cooked BAK KUT TEA so yeah..had it at like 10 plus when we were all starving...
talked to mum before i went over to the neighbours' to eat...hmm
hmm every time she sends me an email now, i just feel distraught...i dunno why.... still feeling a little sad by my granny's departure but oh well life goes on right?
i've got a meeting later with SAM...shall call my gen comm to arrange for a meeting tomorrow preferably...i'm assigning them diff activities already....starting early is the best policy..HAHAHAH... =)
time to go to the library...shall also drop by the john medley library to see whether i can borrow VCDs to burn for my lecturer...i have already consulted kirsten and she said HEAD ON and LOVE ACTUALLY are alright for my media analysis...hmmm yay!
time to head on out of here...sigh (it's 4.52pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
I am still thinking should I or should I not shoot out the e-mail that we have prepared to that Dr Eu.
Mama still blamed him during her last few weeks.
I am still not that angry if not one of those few daysduring the wake, one nurse or someone called
from GH claiming that mama still has an outstanding of $100+not settled during her visit to GH
(the date when you accompanied her)
As I was very busy that time and quite shock, I,just answered that she is dead now, by all means, go and get from her.
Few days later, we received statement that they have deducted this amount from dad's CPF account.
I could not forget this stupid doctor's arrogance equivalent to insults stating
we are not knowledgable to understand him, it's just like that we are no position to talk to him.
I am just wondering that if we are on par with him, will he speak to us in that kind of tone ?
Anyway, listen to mama's last words, no matter how, to complete yr studies in order to be on par.
Take care,
renzi kissed and swore @
i just cleared all my emails in the activities account for MUISS and well got really tired so started reading loads to say about a few blogs but i shall keep it to myself until well...the time comes i guess...
argh...someone's blowing some bagpipes...or isit my imagination??
hmm it's about time to go for my lessons (it's 2.53)
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, March 20, 2004
hahahaha funny lah.... got it off from someone's blog who got it off from another blog...
Thursday, February 05, 2004
When I was younger, someone posted this question to me.
She asked, "Wendy, what do you think is the most beautiful thing on Earth?"
At that point of time, I realised that I cannot give her my answer because there are so many different beautiful things, such as the sea, such as the rainbow, etc. I can't make up my mind.
I asked many people this question, and the most common answers are invariably the sea and the sky.
WHY! Blue stuff are ugly. I hate blue.
I asked my mum and she said its diamonds.
One guy gave me a sweet answer: "Women."
June said its herself.
I'm kidding.
But anyway, as I get older, I realised what my answer would be.
It is an orgasm.
An orgasm is so beautiful because of so many reasons. It is the most powerful (or maybe sensational) form of love, it is also mostly rare for women (Bloody selfish men!), and it is one thing that has almost no bad side effects! Most of the time it is free too.
Orgasms fill people with endorphins. Endorphins make people happy.
See, when you are happy, you make everybody around you happier too, except your enemies, but of course seeing your enemies seething that u are happy will makes you happy as well, so you get even happier and ur enemies get angrier and the nice cycle goes on.
When you are happy you laugh alot and suddenly everything seems more beautiful. The world is disease-free! Dolphins are playing, the grass is green on every side, and daffodils are blossoming everywhere! What a wonderful world!
When you are filled with endorphins, people of the opposite sex are attracted to you because of the scent you emit. This is scientifically proven. So when people of the opposite sex are attracted to you, you get praises. Praises make you more confident. When you are confident you can attract more people.
An orgasm also helps you lose some fats. Now thats cool too because you will look better, unless you don't have any fats to minus from, but I don't talk to skinny people so thats their business.
Orgasms are also a form of exercise. Exercise makes you radiant and healthy. Healthy and radiant people get more suiters. Orgasms also prevent cancer and acne. Yeah right. No it doesn't.
But then... you have a truckload of people to choose from, and you pick the best, in which hopefully you can get more (and more and more! and better! longer-lasting!) orgasms from.
The "best" chosen person continues to be attracted, and he also feels that u are terrific because there are so many other people attracted to you so he must be so lucky. He doesn't know its because of him that so many people like you of course.
Lets see on the other hand how things will be without orgasms.
People can smell desperate-ness from a mile away. When u portray yourself to be desperate, you don't get sex. No sex=no orgasms. Then you become more desperate. Then it can be smelt from 2 miles away. Desperation=no sex. Then you get frantic. = no sex. Then you finally die. Life is not worth living.
In conclusion, an orgasm in the most beautiful thing on earth.
You may disagree, but thats your business. You need more orgasms to prove me correct.
Speaking of changing other people's opinion, today I worked with this really smart girl at Tiger Beer called Qingwen. We were speaking of some conflict between me and Bobby (never you mind!) and she gave me this little piece of advice, which I found was really good. She said,
"Bobby is very egoistic. Whenever you disagree with him, its like telling him in the face "YOU ARE WRONG". And whether its wrong or not, is almost always a matter of opinions.
And opinions. There are 1001 opinions everywhere. You have yours and I have mine, and what you do stand to gain to make me change my opinion to become yours? Nothing right? So just leave him as he is, even if you know he is wrong."
I shall learn to do that.
So anyway, back to orgasms.
If only I could bottle and sell orgasms, I would make millions!! How much will an average person pay for a mind-blowing thigh-throbbing spasm-inducing Endorphin Rush? $50? Depends on how long it lasts?
Imagine this! In the future, at the bus stop no one smokes anymore. They all do Wendy's big Os. Wendy's Big Os has no evil side effects while smoking causes lung cancer. Smoking makes your teeth yellow. Wendy's make you look beautiful and attractive.
People mix Wendy's with some other chemicals and it becomes an Orgasm so strong its made illegal. Thats known as drugs. No one takes heroin anymore.
Most unfortunately no one will have sex anymore, but the world is facing doomsday soon isn't it? Or maybe I can sell the Big Os in Small Os form, so people still have sex for the real thing.
Now the problem is how do I manufacture orgasms?
Yawnz. I have got to do my project.
Laters, people.
Meanwhile, I would like to say that I am on a roll. I will tell u all when I'm all prepared. =D
Good day!
renzi kissed and swore @
it's 1505 hrs and i'm very sleepy. i wanna do work...but maybe i should jus go home and sleep.
I'm in the library right now with Ling, Kee and Geoffrey. We just had lunch at Wah Kee (shit dunno how to spell) with a few of the Gen Comm members like..... Yue Lin, thai-fin, Song Yee aka "Michelle" (always get her mixed up with the other friend, erm...yuet mei...hahah they are like peas in a pod, even for their duty timings, they've arranged their timings to be the same..hahah), CW, Indra, Gordon, smiley-face, ... =)
today's trainign went on pretty well and i must say i'm very excited to work with the gen comm members. i'm even more excited to work with those in the activities portfolio. I did give them a warning about work load and being always "seen" by everyone because the activities portfolio is "always there" (in a certain sense) but they all seemed to take it in ok... ehhe
had difficulty in waking up today. alv was supposed to wake me up but she didn't...sniff thank goodness i woke up with the help of me alarm clock...guess she had very little sleep, dun really blame her (she had to wake up at 5 plus because the seascape gang had to leave at 6 for caulfield). and last night we drank a little and stayed up till what, 12++? i never tried having some "pop" alcholic drink (dunno wat is the proper name/definition) but ivan made a drink for me and i had to drink it all at one shot...hahaha after playing MJ, i drank that "pop" drink and starting lazing on the swing. finally i dozed off...hahah but managed to wake up when alv woke up (all of us dozed off in the living room! hahahah) and we all walked home. (sent charms back first of course)
in the car while waiting for drew to walk charms back, alv and myself both agreed that we were glad that we didn't get 'selected' to stay in SEF, seascape is more happeninG!!! hahah but of course think we kinda are disturbing the neighbours and stuff...oops! hahaha
hmm okok...time to go off to maybe do something constructive.
renzi kissed and swore @
hahaha check this out... =)
I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by stomps.
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, March 19, 2004
hmm i'll make this quick...i'm in the library...i can't print no nothing so i tot i'll listen to my lectures and print out everything on monday. will in the meantime do some research for my first essay which says:
Critically examine the way two different films reinforce compulsory heterosexuality. Pay close atention to the techniques used to represent the various characters in the films.
Hope i can do well in this... i dun really noe how to "critically examine" films. sigh... but i think i will talk about LOVE ACTUALLY and HEAD ON.
Anyway got a really hectic week ahead...
Tomorrow: training for the Gen Comm members...
Sunday: Church
Monday: Harmony Day
Thurs: RMIT inauguration
Saturday: Connexions
can't really rememeber any more...but with my readins and stuff...need to try to balance them out...
hmmm just a thought...last year in my third week for both semesters, i was actually quite relaxed and stuff...dunno why i'm feeling stressed from the beginning of the second week!! argh!
anyway time to do research and maybe go back and cook dinner. dun think i'll go fr BS...
(it's 3.28pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
hahaha in the muiss lounge now and i'm procrastinating once again...sighh........may go for lunch AGAIn with alvina...oh jus messaged her to tell her that i'm not joining alvina and jon in clayton. me need to listen to my lectures...sighh
anyway check out what my cousin said in his email:
Hi renee,
This is Ben(lolo).
do send me any interesting things happening
over at your side. keep in contact and hope that
we dun meet again when someone gets married
or when we are attending some funeral again.
hahah well it's true that you only meet your relatives in situations that may be joyous or undesirable...hmm from my experience, i see my relatives during weddings, funerals and chinese new year....hmmm oh well...hahah
anyway mum's letter is still kinda afffecting me and sigh...i dunno how to comfort her. then again i dunno how to comfort anyone in my family. i'm just too proud i guess, to even say that i'm there for them (in spirit) and that i love them. hahah guess it works both ways because they've never really said that they love me (although i noe they do) and i have never exactly done so either.
well i was at the booth just now, te response was lukewarm but oh well... met alfred and asked him about MMN... heheheh
as i was saying....i can't think of anything thoughts are quite messed up inside now...hahah
hmm well okay i guess it's time to go to the library to...erm...heheh do some work =)
kee wants to say something...
"So many things has happened, so many things are happening, and so many things are going to happen"
"Ppl came and gone, so many feedbacks n i dunno wat to do, dun like to look too far ahead tho..."
well anyyywayy er...was talkin to rodney and he suggested that i should have a birthday party....tempting..should i? hahah i never had a birthday party since er i was 7? hahahah decisions decisions...
my mum sent me one email...shall cut and paste (she sent me another, i realised i deleted it already...bahhh):
How do arrogant and disdainful people make you feel?
There was a time when such people made me feel upset, inferior, and resentful. I couldn’t understand why they seemed to enjoy mocking me without the slightest provocation. I took their remarks personally, and felt agitated and miserable, as if those remarks actually meant something to me.
Needless to say, this way of thinking was very unhealthy and debilitating. The sneering and scoffing went on and on in my head long after the actual acts had stopped.
I used to think that when people treat me with disdain, there must be something inferior about me. I now realise that the opposite is true.
People use arrogance as a mask to conceal their own inferior feelings about themselves. They are unable to deal with their own insecurities and fears, so the only way they can feel better about themselves is to make others feel worse. They maintain an air of haughtiness because they are afraid that people will see through their façade, and realise that they are not happy.
Think about it – truly happy people are too busy being happy to make others unhappy.
Arrogant people nourish their spirit by draining energy from others. Once you understand the motivation behind their behaviour, you realise that you don’t have to give them the satisfaction of making you feel bad anymore. Let them try to wound my pride. I’m too busy living my own life for them to matter.
In many respects, arrogant people deserve our compassion and understanding. They are unable to find joy in their lives and therefore try to compensate for their frustrations by putting others down. They hide behind their money, their looks, their status, their so-called positions of power, and are unable to let their true selves shine through.
Arrogant people treat you badly because they are needier than you. They just haven’t had the courage to admit that to themselves yet. They deserve the same kindness and understanding we give others, not our anger.
rencong jus smsed yesterday.....sent me a very sweet msg..heehhe he said "....just miss talking to you as a friend..thank god for having let me know you ) "
shall look for quotes to put in my blog =)
(it's 2.20pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
it's going to be 12...need to help out SAM till 2 then i'll go to the library to listen to my missed lectures (ie the 2 hours of STATS..arggghhh) and well after that i'll go print notes and come home to do some work. eric asked me whether i'm going for BS but hmm...i'm very tired today lah...because..hahahah went over to drew/jon/ivan's place to watch INFERNAL AFFAIRS 2 with charms, alvina, the three guys, danny, graham, erm...kevin and kersin... right after that, the 3 guys plus charms, alvina and myself stayed and talked till like 5 plus (i kept dozing off..hehe and er snoring too hahahaha) and when we decided to go home, alvina and myself realised we didn't have our keys... =p SOOOO we stayed over. alvina, charms and myself slept in ivan's room while the guys settled among themselves... =)
well nothing else happened yesterday..think i wrote an entry about yesterday already....
sooooo...time to go off now....
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm more photos from last year's christmas service... (thanks to jean)
kenneth and myself
jean and myself
the spice boys and girls hee...
how about a girls' day out =)
the bunch of us in secret recipe in siglap
basket this was taken when i was talking to someone i think =p
the spice girls... (from left: jingxi, myself, danielle, jean, anne)
basket this reminds me that i lost everything in my computer..sighhh
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm this was written by mum on the 17th of March:
How's yr work, able to catch up...
The house will be very quiet starting today.
Tina's father went back last night.
Michelle just left this afternoon.
Ku Por 3 & 5 went home today.
Dad & I went back to work today.
For once, feeling quite lonely, only 4 of us.
Actually, am still missing mama, now that she's gone.....
Take care,
renzi kissed and swore @
well me in school now..going to do some shall come back to writing an entry later...yawn
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, March 18, 2004
i miss the internet, i miss chatting with ppl over the internet (yes very very impersonal but if most ppl are actually overseas, this is the best you can do right?), and i miss typing my blog in the comforts of my home. for the record, i have no internet account for almost what, a month? jon has kindly helped us apply for an internet connection since the whole of no4 (meaning my household) is pretty much busy.
speaking of blogs, yesterday i went to drew/jon/ivan''s (or no7's) house to chill right after sending charms home. byron stayed for dinner and didn't really talk much (hmm..) and the rest of us were either in alvina's room talking cock OR in graham's room playing! it was really funny to hear the guys "FUCK"ing when playing the games. man... guys always like to swear when they're together, is it some sort of manly vibe they wanna put across? *shrug*
anyway i used the internet in andrew's room. he noticed that my nails were growing longer so he helped me cut and file them. nice dude i must say! hahahahah i feel spoilt already! =) in my whole entire life, there are (inlc drew) 3 GUYS who did my nails. hahah giap, chee mun and drew...all from m'sia...wonder whether there's any connection. hahahahha BUT drew was shaking his head saying that i'm such a guy and i'm so untidy...jon also came in and he started doing some personality test that he came across in my blog.
went home and told alvina a joke about...HEHEHH and well she laughed and started rolling on the floor, well as they say laughter is the best medicine...hehehehehe.....hahahah..thinking about that joke makes me wanna laugh out loud now...(but of course me can't because i'm in the damn library) talked to kenneth n waited till it was 3am to wish him a happy birthday properly. right after tat i started dozing off...ahhahaha
ANYYYWAYYY...speaking of the library...just went to the multi-media section to watch HEAD ON. hmm was kinda appalled by the content of the movie. it was provoking and well not going to like elaborate on it. if u want, go check it out.... (click on HEAD ON above)...
hmm didn't wake up for lecture AGAIN!!!!! seven my alarm clock rang and i stupidly set my phone alarm at 7.05 because i needed a bit more shut eye (five minutes still matter!!!) but i woke up at 8.05 instead. danny woke up also and came into my room at 8am and said "dun care lah..lazy to go to class" hahaha...the two of us ought to be shot i say... =)
we went for pysch class at 10 and hahaha sitting opposite me was this guy called damien. nice brown eyes, sexy eyebrows...hahahha eye candy deh! =) hahahah too bad he's aussie....not my type... =) he was in my psych tut last year! hahahah we had the same RENEE tutor, who more further elaboration for that =)
sitting next to him was this gal called danni. she came down to spore earlier in the year and we jus chatted with her about spore etc =) guess wat? she's also in my other tut at 12!! hahah the sexuality tut =)
so tat was my day i guess..... met kee for lunch and made my way to the library... shall elaborate on the no1 to no4 i need to type out the agenda for the MUISS execs meeting because i'm supposed to chair the meeting today (we are taking turns now...hahaha)
and yeah...tat's about it....we kinda finalised who's in the MUISS gen comm and hmmm......will comment about that later.....till then....this is renee signing off (it's 5.32pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
It's always dangerous to fall in love with a friend. Cos it ruins the friendship, plus you're never going to be able to salvage it. Never. So, in case you're wondering, I'm not ever going to risk it again.
Is it magic,
To click on a computer,
Point and arrow, To find a friend,
To share a thought?
Or describe,
Feelings held within.
Is it magic,
That genuine bonds,
Are archived, modernly,
Between two lonely persons,
Drifting apart, from society.
Is it magic,
When a name appears,
On your searching screen,
Making your heart, skip a beat?
Is it Magic,
That I can find such comfort,
In knowing that you're around,
That you'll always be, just cos we're friends.
Is it magic?
hahah got this off karen's blog
renzi kissed and swore @
i'm sitting here in the boring room (library), just another lazy afternoon..dum dee dum....(jus tot of the LEMON TREE song)...!
well i woke up early, quite early for that matter and i did my laundry, i have to do my laundry twice i guess (only did one today) because hahaha i've quite a bit of red sdtuff and i'm afriad it'll ____ (stain?) my other clothes. while waitin for my clothes to be washed, i went up to my room to take stuff down to read (sociology...quite interesting but ....-->no1)
after a while, i got restless and started cooking soup for me lunch (since my teeth still hurt a little). after a while i had to wake alvina up for her class (she was actually quite surprised to see me wake up so early in the morning). she headed off after her shower while danny came back home. he seemed a little ...hmm tired and stressed(?). as i was talkin to byron about this last night, i think we're quite worried for danny. and man... he seems like he's delegating insufficiently. SAS and SSS don't seem to be doing much and i didn't really see why we have to be doin so much on SAM's part. i talked to him for a while then he had to meet jan.
i walked to uni and went to the campus centre straight away. settled down with jan and we opened the booth. so far in that span of an hour, we had two signing up *gulp* i really am very worried for danny man... -->no2
after that i went to meet the execs for lunch, i tot all the execs were meeting but only von-von, kee and myself had lunch together. erm... giap had already had his lunch so he didn't join us, this is wat i would like to define as SPOILER, and well renald joined us and we discussed about whether to recruit our gen comm on saturday.
apparently yvonne's going back to m'sia for a week (which leaves all of us to settle whatever's happening without her next week.) next week ...hmm got loads to settle....and do,..... erm...think there;s harmony day, dinner for the orientation helpers and preparation for budget lunch. ... think we need the gen comm to help us, so well we kinda deciedded ..bah decided to have training for them this sat....
well after lunch, we had one interview. this gal called indra.... and right after that i went to the library and tried to do some reading.... one hour ++ and so little! i'm not concentrating...!! -->no3
what happened yesterday....?
MUISS INTERVIEWS........most memorable bit.... when we asked this gal for 3 of her good qualities, her first answer was an enthusiastic "SWIMMING!".... if i were to write i play, right after the gal's answer would be "awkward silence"... =) -->no4
MOVIE.... we watched was called erm....BUTTERFLY EFFECT many themes and matters that i wanna talk about...shall do that soon... -->no4
adapted from....
- byron's blog:
"Flexing your creativity muscle" every day:
Try to be surprised by something every day;
Try to surprise at least one person every day;
Write down each day what surprised you and how you surprised others;
When something sparks your interest, follow it up.
And, when someone tells you there's no budget for your plan, figure out how to do it anyway.
- karen's blog
RENEE LEFT IN THE MORNING!wah lau she called and i didnt pick up coz why??my phone was on silent!i need to get rid of this nasty habit of putting my phone on silent. alot of pple have complained about me having hp like not having one haha..
bwahahhaha.....i must say...birds of the same feather flock together....
renee called me and said she's coming back from melb, her grandma passed away. sigh. her grandma used to talk to me alot when i'm over at her place. though i dont understand what she talked to me abt coz she spoke in cantonese, from ren's horrible translations, i know that she was always asking me to go over more often to eat and hang out. i will be missing her presence *sigh*
yeah..i'll miss her too....
comments...laterZZZz, have to rush to the MUISS lounge for another separate interview...
before that...was telling byron, or well explaining to byron since he was at my house to talk for a while before i ,quote,"kicked" him out...hahah hmm well that now i can safely turn off my phone during the day since well...i am not like expecting any phonecalls about me grandma or anything from spore...
AHHHH...another thing...i jus realise thaat a couple of my friends have found my blog address...or maybe!!!!!! cooolll!!!
(okay it's close to 5pm..sighh ANDDDD stupid gal behind me is listening to her lecture online and guess what? i dunno whether she's deaf or wat but everyone else is listening to the lecture as well..PHUUUI!
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
well well i'm in the muiss lounge, waiting for time to pass. initially i wanted to give me blog a nice makeover but due to some unforeseen circumstances, me have to wait till i get to one of the neighbours' house...
anyway some things/remarks/events to remember...
1) someone in the funeral came up to me and asked quite...QUITE a stupid question...."are you sad?" no shit dude!!
2) my grandaunt was talking to us (lolo, honfei and myself) and....she tilted her butt and gave out a loud FAAAAAAART...
3) my relatively decent conversation with this guy whose surname is Lee...he's from China and was sitting next to me during the flight...found him quite erm...dodgy though.. he offered to send me home, i politely declined..
4) my brother's jokes from the joke book
5) ehehhe oak's upzipped jeans...hehe
tired lah...still feeling drained i dunno! anyway i wanna go home to hehehe watch SURVIVOR>....speaking of which shall go check it out now...who got voted out etc...hehehe =) (it's 5.30pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
another new day in monash (clayton), another new beginning. I've got loads to catch up and i'll probably do that tomorrow. i missed my first class, so much for motivation, but i slept through my alarm. man! anyway i've two more classes before going for my dental apt. right after that i have SAM meeting followed by MUISS interviews, i can foresee the week being hectic, and i'd have very little time for friends this week, hope they understand.
ok time to head on out of here, alvina asked me to go for lunch. will type in my entry i wrote in the aeroplane soon...
(it's 11.09am)
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, March 15, 2004
hmm it's 7.30am and well me heading off for the airport soon. my family members are all downstairs having their breakfast...and well will join them soon..
i shall not be dramatic this time, jus wanted to say that man! it has been a gruelling 5 days and i somehow can't wait to get back. i need rest, and i need my bed,room...
will be back in melbourne at around 8 plus so hmm yeah... =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Saturday, March 13, 2004
well well it's 10am and i am already dreading today, becoz the day is still young and there will be many people coming tonight to pay their respects to my granny.
after blogging my first entry for today, i called karen and asked her whether she could come down to help us out. my mum needed someone trustworthy to collect the money (isit a tradition to do so? i mean give money to the family members of the person who passed away?) so i suggested karen. my mum also asked whether kenneth could help out but he has a few things going on today so yeah...i told her he couldn't make it. if i dun see him today, dunno whether i can see him at all in the remaining few days...sigh..
tomorrow's going to be a really long day too, because of the procession. and after that i need to ask dad to help me out with me computer (he told me to ask me after the funeral) so yeah...
hmm was talking to my maid and a few of my relatives and they said that mama kept calling for my name for the past few days before she took her last breath. well shall copy and paste wat my mum emailed me....
on the 9th March (after mum told me on the 8th that mama's condition was worsening):
These few nights, Ron has been waking up feeding her water,
even soups, she refuses, we gave her glucose water, at least giving some energy.
The HOSPICE people may come today, to advise on how to keep her
discomfort level low, or to stay in the HOSPICE care centre.
Just got a card from Michelle from Darwin, she is coming
this Thursday for a few days.
then on the 10th of March, mum sent me another email (which i read only when i came back to singapore...sigh..if i'd read this earlier, i would have asked mum whether i could come back to see mama...):
The HOSPICE people came, recommended some nutritous drinks and constipation medicines,
they gave pain killer. The service they provide now is hospice home care, the doctor, nurses, or social worker will
come around to check. At this point in time, according to them, the pain she is going thru still
not that bad, may not be necessary to go to the HOSPICE centre.
Everyone agrees that if we can manage, home environment for her is preferrable.
Ku Por 3 is up yesterday, since yesterday till this morning, has been mumbling to herself,
gesturing on the bed, talking to herself all sorts of things.
Ron says whole night she has been talking, sometimes fling the pillows,
the fan she is holding, fling on the floor.
Last night, she just asked us, "where is Renee, she came back for dinner already ?"
then after a while...she emailed me again... sigh:
This morning, the Hospice doctor just called that mama her time
may not be long, (could be days) could be anytime from now.
Now she's disorientated, gesturing too.
Dr is putting a pump under her arm to relieve her pain
(but apparently she has lost her sense on that, she
no longer complain any pain maybe due to morphine administered).
Only worry is the maid could not cope all day long.
Will keep you posted.
then...the day before...on the 11th...she emailed this... (thought that the exclamation mark kinda was quite off):
Died in her sleep, nobody knows exact time, early morning already cold.
yeah, hmm i dunno ...i still dunno how to react and should i even react? should i cry or should i not? should i be the support for my family at this time, ?? i relaly dunno...
anyway just checked my mail...sharon asked me to buy some vacumn bolster fr kevin and janelle asked me to buy project shop slippers and "i not stupid" vcd...hmmm dunno whether i can get out of the house to do so...but i'm not relaly bothered....
and well me quite tired...just watched touched by an angel...used to watch it religiously every week when i was younger. but me grew up and started going out more....
just checked out geok pei (CHIO BU)'s blog and had quite a good laugh...couldn't help but agree with alot of wat she said and i'm going to cut and paste what she said soon....
well shall log off now with a quote from this episode's TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL.
Life is full of what ifs and doubts =) how true is that? hahahha jus check out my previous entry a while back and check out geok pei's blog too...
renzi kissed and swore @
it's close to 7.30am and almost everyone's awake at this moment....well i had to constantly open the door for my relatives since 1)i was sleeping in my living room (was in really close proximity to e door) and 2)my relatives couldn't opn the door...sighh..finally gave up and walked up to wash up. somene was using the toilet (tink it's my mum) so i sat down and started using my dad's computer..
hmm i'm going back on monday, in the morning. man! it really seems so fast, and i'm kinda dreading going for the procession tomorrow. there will be rituals and ... hmm a cremation. not too sure whether i'll be prepared for it. haven't exactly cried when i came back home.only time i cried was in uni ...i mean the last time i reembered crying was in uni when i explained to yvonne that me had to go back to spore...sooo...
i had mixed feelings coming back. one reason would be that i didn't know how to console me parents. haven't exactly been the best daughter this year and yeah...well i didn't...i didn't console them. the closest to that was tryin to be out of their way and talking to them when they ask me things. Another reason would be that i didn't know how to react to me granny's death. i told myself that i shouldn't cry when i come back and i haven't done it since then. i'm quite afraid that i would on sunday...oh well...
yesterday i had quite a long day. although i didn't do much, it was really draining on my part the morning, i finally managed to get it. didn't really get proper sleep because it got cold and i had not much of any blanket, so i curled up like a prawn and had to continue with my bad sleep. my alarm clock kept ringing, and i kept snoozing it from 8.30 to 10.30....must have irritated e ppl in the house...but by the time i woke up proper, no one was in the house liaoz...everyone was downstairs.
when i got down there, just sat around and finally saw aunty joyce. really touched to have aunty joyce around. she made porridge, offered to make tea and served drinks to the visitors who came. (kinda made me feel like i hadn't been doing much) but really moved to see a friend help so much. still remember when i was younger, i used to go to her place to bake and she would constantly hahah matchmake me with her two kids.
helped out when the visitors came, by erm...serving drinks. think that was the best i could do.... and hmm while i was minding my own business, dad came up to me and said " colleague over there said he wanted to know you"...HAHHAHA sounds so off right? then i replied so loudly, making sure his colleagues could hear, saying "please lor dad....your colleagues like how old?" hmm i noe quite insensitve of me to saybut...hahah my dad's a joker lah! hahahhaha.... and well could see that that particular colleague was pretty embarrassed. think he's in his early 30s...
anyyywayy after lunch, i headed to collect my air ticket... that place was SUPER SLOW, service is worse and more relak jack than australia....hmm great was worse than swenson's during valentine's! so i went nextdoor with michelle (tina's sis)and i shopped around, bought chocolates and soap/shampoo....well sicne i have an additional 25 kg to brign back to aus...heheheheh
right after that i fetched karen and tommy home n....well they paid their respects to mama and chatted with them for a while. they had to leave after a while and i was left to do the usual handing of the drinks to guests =)
at approximately 5 i asked mum for permission to go to NTUC and i went to buy what i needed to bring back to aus....i then drove to tao nan to fetch my bbro.....speaking of my bro...think he's really a sensitive and bloke with a heart because he cried when my granny died...and yesterday morning when he woke up he went to my granny's room and flipped through her photo albums and started crying again..... =( think that made my dad cry too..sigh...i dunno and i relaly dunno how to help...
some part of me tells me not to cry because i feel i need to support me family and not cry...because i dun tink crying would help for the ppl around me and it would prob make them yeah...
after i came back, and had my dinner,people started streaming in. chatted with c ouple of my relatives, persis and juney. hmm spekaing of juney...i noticed that she lost a lot a weight,, so well being the nosey poker, i asked her whether she did and she proudly said "yes" and she added saying that she's been eating pills. at tt pt in time i expected her to say that but at the same time, i was dreading to hear her answer. i expcted her to say it becaus she's juney! (how helpful eh)well i know her since young, and she's been the follower of the pack, constantly tryin to make herself being accepted and well guess it has been of a certain influence even till now. i was dreading her answer because as i've said before, i never believe in pills....was tempted to but dun tink i'll do it...oh well...that's just me...
oh kenneth jon and dr came ...thanks dudes and they stayed for quite some time. my dad did his rounds and come to our table for a while. i showed dad dr's ipod... (that's eye candy i tell you...what i'm kinda lusting for but...i noe it's a waste of money)...
good to have company of my age....well oh ya honfei and lolo came as well...chatted with them for a while...chatted with gugu's family. gugu couldn't make it because she's in china at the moment and the earliest flight she could get was on sunday but e funeral's on sunday so mum told her not to worry...
the whole chinese new year gang was there....MJ kar kees were there....
hahaha...well...i went to ....see my grandma in hercoffin,she is so small...and she was made up too...hmm couldn't help but be slightly sad every time i saw her and she actually looked pretty...=) (hey! haven't seen her in make up in all my life! so well yeah...)
i also looked around and saw the familiar faces around me, my grandaunts, my other! i'm really afriad that their time would come, i noe it will, everyone's time will come but i would hate to go for their what persis says, it's so natural yet unnatural. you have to psyche yourself and tell yourself that it's natural when someone dies but only for the sake of consoling yourself. man...hard to swallow's an irony sometimes eh?
hmm and was tlakin to pers about our funerals. hahaha well i don't want anyone to wear black...i want them to wear bright clothes and well sing "come on and celebrate" because well i believe in Him and i will go to heaven. =) hahahahhahahaha (i hope... =p )
hmm haven't exactly put thought into what i want to happen for me funeral...jus noe that i don't relaly want ppl to cry for me because isn't crying too late already...guess it's mourning but still.... i want ppl to wear bright clothes, and well jus not be sad....or well try at least... =)
that's that for now...i wanan talk more about my granny but will do tt later...
laters (it's 815hs)
ps:really nice to recieve msgs from gao, xh and dom...tlaked to dom for a while and he sends his love, so i told mum ....
pps: mum actually asked about knneth! n she asked again whether he could come to handl our money because she needs someone "trustworthy"... =)
okok...time to go...been on the computer for like what, an hour??
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, March 11, 2004
it's close to 5pm and i'm sitting in the cafe in the airport. well it's been quite a long day today. i woke up before eight to get to school for psych...den well used the internet. after that i met danny, sharon and alvina and we went to the west end cafe for lunch. i checked my phone then and recieved a msg (think me mum called earlier but my phone was on silent because i was in class) and she informed me that mama just passed away. gave her a call and well i told her i'll be coming back...
so here am i waitinf for 10 minutes to whizz past. i hate travelling... i mean the process of it....and yeah...for this time round it's really not a good reason for why i'm travelling. sighh..
when i recieved the news, i went to the MUISS lounge, talked to May and cried a little...den well after that i went to look for kirsten to tell her because i couldn't make it for tut today. told my two bosses and yeah...
actually got a lot of tghings going on...but sigh...i must say i dun really care at this moment...i've already spoken to whoever i'm supposed to..and will deal with the rest when i come back...
many thanks to the peeps who sent me off...i'm really touched by how u care for me and many thanks for seascape st NEIGHBOURs...for your generosity...
hmmm...shall be going off soon...i'm leaving in about 30 min time....dun tink i'll be blogging much these few days with the wake and all so...hmmm shall write soon i guess....when i come back
come to think of it...i'm not even in melourne for a
hmm jus went to teh eyes are still pinkish!! hmmm oh well...
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm i've been in the library doing almost nothing...danny looks kinda stressed and hmm seeing him...i also feel a little stressed...shall ask whethe he needs help again.. anyway trying out something new in my blog...hmmm i think i need a book on codes and stuff ...hmm maybe i can do this online... argh...
anyyywayyy....nothing much happened on tues and wed...can't remember much....had a meeting yesterday..watched bend it like beckam...ermm...yeah..pretty much that....seeing my workload coming...not a happy thought...
and tuesday...ermm...just basically lessons and MORE lessons...hmmm and jan and fun are in my tut....more stressful days to come..sighh
okok...time to work on my blog once again..hahahah... (it's 11am)
renzi kissed and swore @
bwahahhaha heard that anyone? i might be the next einstein!!!! bwahhaha!
You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you
could be the next Einstein.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
renzi kissed and swore @
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
renzi kissed and swore @
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
hello my dear fellow readers...i'm writing this specially for you....YOU SUCK!!! hahahah sheesh...dunno jus feeling very bored....and irritable...stupid lecturer...she keeps closing the two doors during lecture and man! it gets stuffy esp when there are so many students in the same lecture hall! and when it gets hot and stuffy i get MUNG ZUN (irritable)....
anyyywayyy after writing my blog yesterday i went for the meeting. and went back to watch american idol with the dudes from next door (or what ivan would say two doors down *nudge charms*) followed by QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY hahahaha nothing much after that...wanted to read some notes..... but oh welll
in the muiss lounge now and hahaha the gals are here already.... so well shall do that later i guess....i mean type my blog later.....
THE DUDES FROM QUEER EYE....all are gays..sigh...pity hahahahahhahahah
(it's 2.21)
renzi kissed and swore @
Monday, March 08, 2004
well i'm tryin out a new template! =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
renzi kissed and swore @
lazy to write already....hahah had a one hour lecture...then i went to the library to do some reading...then i went down to the video section...multimedia section and i wanted to watch a video...but well not portals available...sooo..shall do that soon...
anyyyyywayyy..... yesterday went to church with charms (she stayed over), yvonne, giap, and alena. quite a good message i must say...very close to my heart..sigh...
and after that had YUM CHA (ie dim know those dudes who walk around with trolleys?) yeap..traditional YUM CHA..hahahah...and hmm stupid charms claimed that i picked up this gal...all i did was...well she just kept coming to our table to ask whether we wanted some particular dian xins but well hehe she was young, and quite well i kinda struck a conversation with her and hehe i gotta know her name....her name's lily..hahah
=) this other waiter called stephen kept talking to us so yeah...hahah all i can say is we had a nice time for lunch hahah. soonafter giap dropped alena home (i grabbed my posters) and the rest of the gals went to charms' place. giap sent me home and i started cooking apple soup.
while preparing and waitin for the soup to boil etc, i was tryin to read some of my articles. hahha...
after a while, byron and charms came to pick me up and we went to humpa's place for dinner. we watched american idol and heheh had dinner while watching everybody loves raymond =0) i cooked! hahah but hmmm the veges were not cooked and my soup had not much taste...sighh..oh well..i'll learn... =)
went with ai yee for grocery shopping =)
oon our way there...she was telling how my mum was sociable (hard to see) and hahahah quite the going out! she's so diff from now...*GASP* will i be like her when i grow older?? hmmm maybe having no kids will make a difference...i don't wannt any kids!!!
yeap...anyway after that we had lunch and she sent me home.
waited for alvina to come back and we went with charms and byron to the city. we went to boba pearl..horrible service..well guess it's just slow but well...pace it up a litle!! hahah anyway after lunch (charms' and byron's) we went to eat... nice food...yummm nice ice cream i mean..hahaha had three flavours..... yummmmm
then we walked around and saw a ferrari =) we took photos with it since it was on displacy and hehehe =) we drove to yarra river where the real action was....MOOMBA!!! hahah sat a ride with alvina and anotehr with chee shirn...(sheet dunno how to speel his namee) hahah) the ride that i sat with CS was.....30 damn bucks!! hahahah but a good one i must add!!! heheheh it was called the sling shot..hahah i'll show you the picture of the ride and it'll prob say everything...hahahahh (well there's one in spore as well....equally expensive...but hmmm not worth the money i guess) after that ride, we settled ourselves down along the bridge and we watched the display of fireworks. it was incredibly awesome! it kinda reminded me of new year's eve 2002 when i was with kenneth in the esplanade...but it was even better than the display back home. some were plain, some had different shades as they went up, some burst into different colours, some looked like gold dust.... =) i just loved it!!! heheh shall show photos when i can..hehehe
we walked back to the car and went to have dinner. had dinner at rookung (ARGGHHH still can't spell it) and then we went crazy in the car...singing songs which reminded us of another song...hahah i must say it was the hardest i laughed this year so far...more to come i hope! hahahah that was my day....on saturday that is... =)
time to go shall think of Qs to ask for the gen comm interview...and hmmm well hahahah guess wat danny's applying...hmmm
(it's 4.44pm)
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm in the library now...stupid gal is talkin so loudly...good thing i'm not doing my work if not i'll TOOT her..hahaa anyway here are some photos byron took last year when we went to the tulip farm festival...really beautiful!!! =)
nice!!! hahah i accused byron of pluckin one petal from the flower to see the inside...but nah he didn't..hehe
beautiful contrast of colours...definitely one of my favourites =)
man! you should see the physical photo when byron developed was post card star quality i tell you.
just look at how big the place is...and the display of colours....
erm one of byron's infamous candid shots...
a great place to take wedding photos too..!
almost surreal i must say....the background that is!
this photo makes me sad...dunno why...hahaha
the sun beams capturing the city sky line =) breathtaking
you seldom see byron in shot to keep =)
one more photo from no where...hahah jus had a SAM meeting and we erm..had to take individual shots...hate doing that..heheh love having company around me to take photos =)
renzi kissed and swore @
Hey girl....
miss ya man! anyways how r u? i've been as usual busy to the core...havent slept for two days man...really getting sick already had to stop all my trainings just to do my projects n stuff. so hows school n all? jean did really well for her Alevels...she went for mission her mum testified so my mum told me...
so hows u n kenneth?
(yada yada....quite private)
welll anyways i hope things r going great for u...think my bro is enjoying life over there with ann haha...oh well....alright i'm off to do my work...u take care okie...miss ya...*hugs*
renzi kissed and swore @
These 2 days have been receiving e-mail with subjects like:
your document, your music, approved, thanks, your picture, your letter,
have a quick look, they are prompting you to open the attachments.
Week end is coming, what plan have you got, is yr home phone
line installed already ?
Mama told me you called her yesterday morning, and you asked her "why she dont see doctor"?
I just wonder how much she can hear you?
Dont know is she hinting why we dont bring her to doctor.
She is not eating even lunch sometimes, she only wants to eat water-melon, and sip water.
She is wearing adult diaper at night so that she dont have to get up so many times at night.
Ronette is more or less sounding out (dare not complain), every day sometime she needs
to change or clean up on the bed like a baby.
Every morning, changing the diaper is very smelly because of the overnight residues.
p.s. Have TTR A$1,000 2 days back, rate still high, have you received?
Take care,
renzi kissed and swore @
well well...supposed to do alot in the morning...sigh.....
on friday...... i went to the booth with charms and we had only one customer (hahahah CUSTOMER!!! HAHAHAHHA) and it was renald. =) first time meeting renald in a loooong time. he didn't put on that much weight...chey..ppl like to exaggerate eh? esp when it comes to weight issues...sheesh! sometimes the world seems to revolve around weight and (the more 'impt thing') weight loss? i mean is that really really the only thing in life? well to me there is more to life than f***ing weight loss or gain.
ANYYYYYWAYYYY went to watch a movie with charms (had lunch w her first) alvina and sharon. those two gals were almost 1/2 an hour late. had to get them half way through the movie
oh ehhehe i laughed at the end of BIG FISH because we all ended up crying..hahahah =) well i seldom cry during movies so well you know the intensity of how touching and somewhat provoking the movie synopsis of the movie is..."Edward Bloom (Albert Finney) has always been a teller of tall-tales about his oversized life as a young man (Ewan McGregor), when his wanderlust led him on an unlikely journey from a small-town in Alabama, around the world, and back again. His mythic exploits dart from the delightful to the delirious as he weaves epic tales about giants, a witch and conjoined-twin lounge singers. With his larger-than-life stories, Bloom charms almost everyone he encounters except for his estranged son Will (Billy Crudup). When his mother Sandra (Jessica Lange) tries to reunite them, Will must learn how to separate fact from fiction as he comes to terms with his father's great feats and great failings. " after that we took a bus home and i had dinner over at my place..hahahahhaha...then relac-ed for the whole time and we made jokes about byron being our pimp etc
need to meet alvina now at the DEN.... and well hahah that was friday..... (my room ac to some are relatively warm...YAY!) heheh
time to go...! (it's 11am)
ps: byron...alvina actually has a blue black now...
renzi kissed and swore @
well got this off byron's blog and well like charms, it't very thought provoking.... =)
Published on Article written by Gary Cruz.
The choice of a marriage partner should not be based on "I get a warm, wonderful feeling whenever we're together and I want to have that warm wonderful feeling forever, so let's go get married". Feelings have no logic on their own. They need to be acknowledged, of course, but they need considerable assistance from your brain.
Marriage means choosing the person you will spend the rest of your life with. This, as you may have guessed, is a very long time to spend with one person. You should be ready to share your life with this person. This person will live with you, eat meals with you, sleep with you, and go on vacation with you. More important yet, this person will share your children. You need to choose wisely. The decision should not be made based on feelings alone. You need to ask yourself some tough questions. The decisions have to be made on solid considerations. Remember to look at the "big picture".
Will this person be a good partner? Is she mature enough to put her own selfish desires aside to look out for what is best for the family? Is he prepared to be a good provider? What is his track record? Is he responsible enough to get a good job and keep it? How does this person feel about love, commitment, and responsibility?
Do you ask yourself, "This person would be perfect if..."? If you find yourself doing that, or if that person is doing that to you, a compromise needs to take place. Do you ask too much from this person? Does this person ask too much of you? When you are in love, insignificant perceived "imperfections" shouldn't matter. If you want to change someone into your "perfect mate" just realize that change doesn't happen overnight, and may take several years - if it even happens. Ever heard of the saying, "You should love people for who they are, not what they can potentially become"?
Does your mate love their family? Does their parents approve of you or vice-versa? This is very important in Filipino culture, but extends to anyone. These people will be your future "in-laws" that you will spend holidays with, family reunions, etc. Also, if you feel that this person was raised well, chances are, they will instill the same values in your future children.
Will this person be a good parent? Can you stand the thought of your children turning out exactly like this person? They will, you know. Children spend a lot of time with their parents and consequently pick up many or most of their parents' character traits. You had better like your spouse's traits a lot because you will be seeing them again in your children.
If something were to happen to you, would you completely trust this person, alone, with the ask of raising and forming your children? This is not a pleasant thought, but it is an important consideration. Not everyone dies at a ripe old age with great grandchildren gathered around the bed. Sometimes a parent dies and leaves young children in the care of the other parent. If you feel that you would need to be around to correct or lessen this person's influence on your children,then you are considering the wrong person.
Does this person share your faith in God? God does not give us children so that we can mold them into the coolest, most popular people in school. Our job is to get them to heaven. To do that, we need to raise them believing in God. It is tough to do that if only one parent believes. Saying "this is right and this is wrong, and I want you to ignore Mommy until you are thirty-five" does not work. Small children ask about eight billion questions in a single day. The answers to those questions go a long way toward forming the kind of adults they will become. Who will be answering those questions for your children?
Does this person you are marrying have sexual self-control? Single people sometimes have this idea that marriage is just some kind of lifelong sex festival and that as long as they have each other, they will never be tempted by other people. Wrong! There are many times in every marriage when one partner or the other is sexually unavailable do to illness, the last months of pregnancy, and travel. There are also times when spouses just get on each others' nerves. At times like this, other people can seem very appealing. That can be dangerous, because there are plenty of very attractive people out there who are willing to make them available to married men and women. Do you want someone who has never said "no" to sex? If he is not good at saying "no" at eighteen, it won't be different at forty. Do you want to worry about whether or not your spouse is being faithful?
These are very important questions, and if you are not comfortable with all of the answers, you should definitely not marry this person. Remember, people are not "security blankets". Get to know yourself and know what you want - because if you figure it out later, after you are married with kids, you'll have a whole lot of issues to deal with besides their character, personality, and physical flaws.
None if this is to say that feelings play no role at all in a marriage decision. You don't have to say to yourself, "Well, I suppose that you would make a good spouse and parent, so even though I don't particularly like you I guess I'll marry you". You need to be happy and excited about the prospect of spending your life with someone. Your brain however must acknowledge that this person as a good catch. You'll both will "know" when you both feel lucky and thank God every day for each other.
Don't listen to your heart alone or your head alone. Wait until your heart and head agree.
renzi kissed and swore @
Friday, March 05, 2004
well it's a new charms' room now...she's getting ready to go to school...we're going to the SAM booth, then going to watch a movie with the rest of the gals... =)
anyywayyyy danny came up to me in the morning and said..."hey you wanna hear the bad news?" then he continued by saying that optus doesnt support our place...basket...after waitinf for 2 weeks...danny's going to call telstra....don't have a good impression of optus lah..basket...danny even confirmed with them thrice to check whether it was going to be alright....wa laoooo...and the telephone operator took down the address as 12 seascape street...bahhh...i feel much for looking forawd to today to talk to kenneth properly...bAHHHH
anyywayyy right afer i wrote my entry...i went for classes....first : sociology tut....kirsten is my tutor...very excited =) hopefully i do as well as last year.. =) shall email her regarding my films...i need to look for two films that promote heterosexual i think i'm choosing "bend it like beckam" and "nicholas nickleby" i still have a few others in mind...shall ask for her opinion... =) i think kirsten is a very good tutor (in my opinion tt is), a very dynamic lecturer and a great lineup for what i'm doing tops it up =) yay! hahahah but well when we were supposed to introduce ourselves i said "hi i'm renee. i'm from singapore (hahah reminds me of what byron likes to tease me about) and i'm doing my second year in sociology and something interessting..hmmm...i don't like sociology" i swear i think i heard someone gasp..hahaha
hmm after classes i had my psych lecture....hmmm jus worried for both my psych exams are worth 60% and i can't do well in exams...arghhh!!!
well so after classes i went to chaddy with byron and alvina =) well after walking around, we met graham. we went to coffee bean and tea leaves and i chatted with byron and ahahahhaha we talked about a lot of matters....matters of the heart and and well hahaha some sensitive topics =) hahahha no pun intended...hahahaha
had dinner at the ABC cafe with byron, al and bryan and we chatted in happy cup till 11...byron sent us home and alvina and myself went to the neighbours' ahahahha we nUA-ed there for a while..den went home. i packed a little of my room...jus waitin for BILLY to be fixed....he's still lying on my floor...hahahahhahahha sheesh....yeap my cupboard has yet to be fixed...soooooooo
ok charms' is out..shall check on out of here...till next life.... =) (it's 11.56am)
renzi kissed and swore @
Thursday, March 04, 2004
hmm did this test and well it says that....
You are spontaneous, and a genius at thinking on your feet. You are daring and confident of yourself; and happiest when expressing yourself in some form of artistic or athletic endeavour.
You are extremely “in touch” with the physical world.
The design style which suits you best is the Contemporary look. You are knowledgeable about culture and do not like to be led by any one particular trend.
Therefore, you are comfortable in a home with other influences, like Mediterranean, or Classical.Your look is modern, yet not stark or cold. You enjoy seeing clean lines in furniture but do not mind a mix of styles in accessories or furnishings.
renzi kissed and swore @
this was taken during joel koh's farewell (*grumble* all my photos taken here were wiped out)
well haaha this is yvonne...she was persis' classmate since primary school if i'm not wrong... and she's also quite rough..hits people and glares at them when they tease her..hahahah she's also dom's ex classmate in JC....SC6 i think...nono...SC5
hahah yeap...and my mouth...hehe i took this using yvonne's camera...ahhahah
yeap...i was really bored
hahah the not-so-surprised joe...stupid idiot actually said that he expected it....he said his parents were predictable...oh yeah...his family organised it... =) sweet eh?
seriously i dunno wat i was doing..hahah
renzi kissed and swore @
hmm yeap so where was i.... hahahah oh yah.....
it's going to be a hot day today...37C...mAN!!! hate such weathers...because i'd be pretty much grumpy...thank goodness me going to chaddy with by-the-ron-ron today...i asked alvina as well...and she said only if the billys come in by then...(btw the billys are our cupboards' names...dun ask me how we got it....IKEA named it....
speaking of ikea...well they charged us diffly when we went to the other outlet...weird eh? in richmond, we paid 29 bucks.....over at the other store (which was near caulfield) we got it for 35....hmm byron suggested we should go get a refund....but lazy deh... heheh and i have no car...have to ask ppl to send us there...hmmm...
tat's why i need a car...well not actually need but want i guess... =) but well it's too ex i feel and alot of the ppl ard me do have cars already....alll i need to do is ask nicely i guess...but sometimes...yeah...i feel that i'm troubling ppl...hmmm even going to church is such a drag sometimes because..well i have no transport...well this week, think i'm going to church with giap, charms, yvonne and alena...
hmmm byron said "just hv to chk who else wanna go n wat time they'd like to go down. as of now, sze min/CS, ryan/janelle, humyu/humdan, gerard/oaky hv expressed interest. c how then lor." hahaha...see how he paired each one up..hehehe all couples except for me and charms...well charms you can be my lesbian partner for a while...BWHAHAHAHAHHA
=) funny...
hmmm i need help to put up a comment bit....but dunno how to lehhh...i applied for squakbox's one already...
someone's engaged before she's even 20...mannn!! well i have got a lot to say about this...been telling the peeps who are closer to me...but well if that's her choice and if she thinks she is ready...well haahha i wish her bliss =)
hmm every year each committee would have at least a couple or a pairing...guess who's being paired up now...?
ANNNYYYYYWAAAYYYYY....shall update and remind myself of what happened these two days...
today's my third official day in school...had to wake up at how long i'm going to keep up with this...but i'm proud of myself that i slept by 12.30 =) had a lecture at 8am and well breakfast with danny after that...
now i'm in the library...shall surf later and find out or well do some research for one of my essays....i need two movies that promote/endorse/stress on heterosexual relationships.... i was thinking of NICHOLAS NICKLEBY but i need one more...hmmmm
okay...wat happened on tues....
TUESDAY 2nd of MARCH 2004 (hahah check it out!! when i was writing the date for my lecture....i realised it was a nice combination....i wrote 020304 =) 2...3...4!!! hahahah ahemm anyyywayyy went for my first psych was stats...was thinking...i think i can score for all my subjects except for stats...need to start reading up and well at least noe what's happening for stats.... hmmm was talkin to danny jus now and he said he feels no urgency to study yet...or well jus do some revision etc (normally he does, even on the first week) but man! i'm already feeling the urgency...all the more i've so much to do this year...
well...once i get my computer started...i shall start typing out minutes in time (that's for SAM)... and typing out my lectures also... =) after my lecture...stupid danny kept asking me to go to chaddy...i kinda relented...and after i typed out my minutes.... we went to chaddy for lunch. we rushed back and i took a lift up to the 9th level where my comm class was held...but it was empty (i was also 15 minutes late) so i reckoned, that well we don't have tutorials...stupid lecturer should haev told us...and it is NOT a known fact that we don't have tutorials for the first week because when i was in yr1 last year, i had like tuts in teh first yeah...
then i went down to SAM to help a little bit (felt guilty that i didn't help out much but then agaain, i stayed for both of the sessions last week....) ...after that i had to go for my second lecture, which was on developmental psych....i think i can score BUTTT one thing is the reports...shall ask early if i need help....somethings jus can't be done last minute i guess =)
after the lecture i went to tighten me braces after 3 mths...MAN!
den i came back jus in time ...the rest were packing up...and yeah...
had a meeting after that...was very flustered because i didn't get a lot of things done...think i made quite a few ppl peeved...hmmm guess next time i need to get organised...that's why on the very next day (which was yesterda) i organised in my diary what i'm suppsoed to do... =) for the next 2 weeks first...
after the meeting, i went home with alvina and we NUA-ed for more than 2 hours, watching tv... half way through the first hour of CSI, we went over to jon/drew/ivan's house because danny called for a meeting with drew and alvina.
after that we all squeezed into ivan's room and started NUA-ing even more....
guess that was it for tuesday...
hmmm i didn't have school..but had to go to school for the STA booth....well stayed there for a while....then andrew (another andrew...shall call this andrew the "singapore andrew"...) sat down next to me so we chatted for a while. hmm he's having fun..partying and stuf....well i'm quite past that...heheh i'm even more NUA than last year....and well chubbing=less money...i only will do that if a big buncha my friends wanna have fun and dance...ehehe which is quite rarely....quite envy him because he met qutie a handful of locals...but well me have more i'national students..but locals tend to do things like drinking etc more regularly....and play more but hmm dunno lah...guess i always have to think that me parents are working hard for me to study in aussie...
anyyyywayyyy.... went to check out the phones that THREE was offering...hmm soem ugly looking nokia phone and a NEC phone...hmm but the rates are sooo much better than optus...sooo....i'm stuck here....hahahah well me need a new phone because my phone's dying on me..but hmmm guess i shall ask mum whether i can sign on to THREE...
after the 2 hours at the booth, we have 148 ppl who signed up...which means that if we get 2 more....janelle will treat us to dinner/lunch/whatever (it doesn't long as it's a treat..whooo! hahah so signaporean eh??) hmmm yeap.... then danny added at night that if we ge 180 he'll treat us...ehheheh
after that...i can't really remember what else happened...OHHH...went to meet eric (my cell group leader) and had a nice chat with him....hmmm he said that i'm one of his concerns because he seldom sees me in church and stuff...ahha well and i told him that it's scary because i feel that already so down and not in tune with HIM and i'm actually comfortable with sucks and it's very very draining mentally not to mention spiritually but i actually don't really attitude stinks now and i'm not as joyous as before. there are alot of cancerous cells (figuratively speakin) that is in my system right now but sigh...i don't wanna do anything about it...i've become nonchalant and listless...this is bad but sighh
and i've become close to bochap about alot of things, things/ppl that used to matter and care about...i've become happy-go-lucky in a bad way....maybe i should jus say sad-go-lucky....hahahah...but yeah...i was quite enthu about alot of things but well i feel that no one even bothers to tell or update me about anything....and hmm if they don't bother, why should i fuckin bother? i've spoken to them about it...but well if they don't really care or even respect me to tell it takes two hands to clap and i'm flappin on one side...but the other party doesn; getting very tired and worn out liaozz....
man! it's only the first week of school....
guess i also miss kenneth...
the only things that matter to me now i guess is my studies...that's good right?
or is it not?
anyyywayyy hahah (this is my my a long entry...for only two!)
after lunch, i went to the MUISS lounge..hung out for a while...caleld up more arranging for horse-back riding and ...heheh hot air balloonn ride..wheeee!
and hmmm met andrew (shall call my neighbour andrew beng) beng for a while....met maggie and well we were in the bookshop looking for books...
after that...met alvina and sharon and the 4 of us (maggie, al and shar) went for dance sports' jazz funk...MAN!! i can't co-ordinate!! heheh i'm such a guy in that aspect..but it's fun... =) i'm haivng fun...someone in that class looked very stressed when she's dancing..hmmm
anyway fangwei is called the energiser BATTERY..that's what i heard from charms...hmmm so isit batt or rabbit?
as i was was quite fun..shall join also wanna join kickboxing.... to keep fit =)
after that we went fr bubble tea and came back. alvina and myself made dinner (or well jus heated up what graham's mum made for us) for 6-7....danny, sharon, charms, byron,alvina and myself had dinner...jon dropped by and NUA-ed with us... we eneded up watching popstars, american idol (was disappointed that pencil dude didn't get in sigh) and CSI:MIAMI ....then we went over to jan's place for nice chiense erm...NGOR HIA.... and thennn....i went over to drew/ivan/jon's place and ended up havin a 'gathering' outside the compound. sharon had to go off so graham offered to send her back. alvina and myself were wondering how it feels like to be in the boot....soooooooo ehehehe we both squeezed into graham's boot and the guys were all very ticked by us. they took photos and graham closed the boot...he actually drove to shar's house with us in the car...boot that is...ahhah very very very funny! alvina and myself were jus laughing in the boot. it was actually pitch dark until graham turned on the now i know, or we know how ppl who are being kidnapped see (if they're not blind-folded that is) after a while, his car went across humps and both of us were like OOF!! hahah and hmm alvina found a pump and she started pumping the pump beccause it was getting too hot! ahahah
yeap so that was my day and me gotta go surf te net liaozz...